






Seeker. Father. Nerd.

Fledging songwriter trying to put in the reps. Open to suggestions with room to grow.

/ PB ! HD ! CL /

#songsidekicksongcircle He / Him



It means a lot when someone points out a line that particularly resonates. Thank you for your comments on @sheslin 's and my collab on Fly Away, All. I was so incredibly amazed by how she took these lyrics and made them into a song that perfectly captured what I had in mind when I wrote them. That's a real talent she has. Thank you for mentioning the parts of the lyrics you liked. It helps me write better next time.
Thank you for your lovely comment on "Fly Away, All". You pointed out my favorite line in the song - @greengrassgirl is an incredible lyricist! Also the change-up in the bridge I worked hard for - I am really glad it worked for you musically!
I'm glad I didn't offend with my ideas for your "Thrown Away" and that you'd let me have a crack at covering it.

I'm not sure I remember everybody who was on the call yesterday, but which one were you? I was the guy named Jeffrey who had a bunch of framed album covers on the wall behind me.
Wow, thanks for all the listens and encouragement on my songs/collabs. Really puts the wind in a guy's sails.

Did you happen to be on the Zoom Song Circle yesterday?
Thank you for all your comments on Bill's and I's songs.
Thank you so much for your comment on my 50th song! And I can't thank you enough for following the journey and for the encouragement. It's meant a lot this year from the community. :) Maybe I'll try recording drums first next time since I think it went really well!
thank you for all your listening and commenting last night. i appreciate such intelligent and acute abservations.
Thank you for the nice comment on Bill's and I's "When Life Approaches Death."
So nice to wake up to a new comment on a collab! Thank you for taking the time to listen and comment on @songwritingzen's version of Song A Song of Love and Loss, my first experiment with an Open Collab. One of the unexpected things about collabing is the rewards of exploring the commenters' pages and finding more treasures. Now that I'm on your page, I see that I have some more exploring to do.
thank you for your comments. especial on death og the eternal. it is a song about the eternal return of the martyr..so the line from the red stained caves to the sign of the cross takes us from platos allegory of the caves to the crucifixion of the christ, which are two examples of the same thing.
I liked your comment on Secrets Are Dangerous, my collab with @sheslin and @dgiarrap . It's so nice to hear that a project we worked on is appreciated. Thank you!
Thanks for commenting “Summer of Pain”. Yes, titles can be interesting. After my incident yesterday I briefly considered writing “Wounded Knee” as my next song but the title might evoke mixed feelings so I iced that project.
Thank you for your kind comment on "Reach Out and Take It"! Much appreciated, and I'm glad I've introduced you to October Project! (Both of their albums are worth getting and listening to!) I hope all the Johnnies of the world eventually realize there's more to life than chasing happiness.
Thanks for commenting on both versions of Sing A Song of Love and Loss. Very nice of you. It brought me back to your page where I could hear more of your gritty country sound. I think you have a natural talent for this style.
So kind of you to have a listen to Missing Everything and to make such nice comments. Thank you, sincerely.
Hi, I liked your detailed comments on Sing A Song of Love and Loss. I'm glad you liked the directness of the lyric and the deeper message, too. I will be exploring your page more in the days to come. Thanks!
regarding 'Traveling...' thanks! So I don't have AC in my truck right now, and the speed limit was 65 but the weather cooled off to the mid 60's. It was just a really nice drive. I love that you associated it with a highway without the specifics. The flowers were my wedding party designation from doing music last summer. I played a mashup of Canon in D and "Every Breath You Take" as my friend walked down the aisle... She thought it would be humorous, I kept the corsage for my guitar.
Thanks for your generous comments on Sing a Song of Love and Loss, my collab with @paul_pedersen. He seemed to put this one together in a nano-second, and that takes talent. Glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks for your comment on "Book It, Believe Me" -- I didn't start out to combine books and sex, but that Kama Sutral line took me there. It was actually a copy of "The Joy of Sex" that I found in an adult relative's bathroom (hidden) as a pre-teen and read as quickly as possible. ;)
Thanks for listening to „Underneath“. I am glad you liked it.
Thanks for checking out "Sing a Song of Love and Loss" and for taking the time to post a positive comment.
Hey, Lee - Thanks for posting this week's prompt for the Friday circle and for listening to my song for last week's. I'm so glad you're here and diving in. I see your thoughtful comments on lots of songs I listen to. Do you know about the European Zoom call on Wednesdays at 1pm Central time...It usually goes on for two hours - I usually stay for one. In case you can join, the link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87447770610
password: 8675309
I'm really trying to work on my unaltered tone quality in my voice and be able to do harmonic backgrounds, thanks for noticing the backgrounds!
thank you for your comments on the hole. i didnt see the twist coming either. not until i reached what i thought would be the last line. then i realized i needed to end it in a less obvious way. so the hole turned out to be a wormhole, and at the end of it, he has gone beyond the concept of time, and is united with the person who, in the earthly dimension, he would not meet yet for over 50 years Earth time, but is with her now in another place in space, 6 billion light years from where his physical life is still unfolding at the age of 12.
Just found you here during the Zoom call. Seems I'd already listened to your Stephen song!
Your very kind comment about How I Wish is highly appreciated. Thanks for having a listen.
thank you so much for noticing the subtleties on "People Need"! I appreciate it.
thanks for the love on "where were you"... I definitely forgot that I put the chorus first. I wrote it intending it to be the first verse, but it really was a chorus. I just needed to sound it out. Copypasta strikes again lol
frank zappa also died of an undiagnosed pancreatic cancer and it pissed him off to no end.
Thank you so much for the comment on Mara and shoutout in the recommended songs thread! I appreciate it a lot!
Thanks for listening to and commenting on "Three Roads Down". I appreciate your visit and supportive comment.
Thank you for your kind comments on "The Lucky Ticket-Holder" and "After the Walk" - much appreciated! :) I really recommend reading The Long Walk (you might find it under either Stephen King or Richard Bachman, depending on the edition) to get the full impact of both songs. Again, thank you. :)
I'm so glad you put I Don't Like to Say So out there. I've been hoping we could co-write something sometime.
thanks for the love on "Wandering"! I'm not a religious person, but one of my favorite holiday songs is "I wonder as I wander" and I've always loved those two verbs together :)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on "Say You’ll Come Home" -- I think the idea of flipping those chorus lines is interesting. I'll play around with it!
Haha, you really get what I was going for with the "Dragonflies" song. Thank you for your comments
Thank you for stopping by "New Uke Boogie" 🎵
I really appreciated the comment you left about the bridge on "Secondhand" -- that was a helpful note for me to think about!
My daughter saw me commenting on songs and wanted to leave a message for me. Here it is:

Your songs make me feel like I'm at the zoo getting face paint (laughter).
Thank you for your encouraging words and I am thoroughly enjoying your style! Happy 50/90 to you!
Hey! Welcome to 50/90! I hope you enjoy it, and that it inspires you to write some new stuff. Looking forward to following along!
Hey, it was great meeting you in the song circle and glad to see you signed up. Looking forward to what you write this summer!