Cali Girl

by @lbrewington

Liner Notes

The SongSidekick Song Circle this week was to write a song with sparse lyrics, such as What You Do To Me by Teenage Fanclub, I Want You (She's So Heavy) by the Beatles or even Tequila by The Champs.

I chose the route of making the lyrics sparse to the line of non-existent and trying to bring the instrument to the forefront. To try to change up the sound (and make it easier) I used an Open G Tuning which I usually tune the Martin LX (small acoustic travel guitar). Also heavy abuse of reverb and compression.

I would normally not write a song like this, but this prompt pushed me out of that zone and allowed me to ignore the lyrics and incorporate this groove heavily, so bravo to the prompt and the all giving muse and also to all the sidekicks.

Despite not being a perfect take, I ended up really digging the groove and there is plenty space to expand and improve in the future.

#songsidekicksongcircle #sparselyrics #acousticonetake


open g tuning





she comes to be in a dream

so sweetly does she sing

she's my callie girl




she's my callie girl

she's my callie girl




Hey, Lee - I’m so glad I got to hear this one live. It’s so stunning. I’m struck by the idea of a song you’ll play your whole life. It reminds me that the lyrics can be a pretty small part in a great song. I want to spend an afternoon trying to write with this song in the background.
I, too, like the groove. The drone/pedal tone works marvelously. This is like a cross between an old country blues and an old country country song, I think.
Great fingerstyle playing and I really like the vibe. Very cool how your melody interacts with the guitar - and the sparse lyrics really let the guitar shine. That is a great tuning.