Your Way

by @lbrewington


Liner Notes

2:00AM Musings.

Rough content, rough take.



am - c - g - am

c - g - am

i wish i knew
how to talk
how to act
your way

i'll wear a mask
just to fit in
be a lonely boy
no more

i'm just now learning
what is a creep

i'ms just now learning
how to see

i'm hoping that
together we will be

i'm just now knowing
the problem is me

a crown of shit
upon my head
a throne of lines
i endure

my mother's love
i never knew
know i find
this word is cruel

these tears i own
fall alone
i just need a friend
so bad

this plight i own
is my alone
your own problems
held dear


Really emotive song and great guitar playing, as someone else said, lots of space in the playing and singing. Powerful lyrics too, fab song 👍
personal and painful lyrics. Emotive singing straight from the heart! Well done
Powerful lyrics that sink deeper and deeper into despair. I like the accompaniment -- it reminds me of my favorite 90s grunge "live" acoustic sets on MTV. Easy to listen to without being shallow. Very nice.
I love the space in the verses - and the chorus is a nice contrast. Great melody - really pulls you into the song. The pain in these lyrics really comes through - really well done.
Wow. I can imagine this with a flood of electric guitars and distortion. It's so cinematic and powerful. I've felt this kind of loneliness before and I think you really nailed the pain of it.
Really like the sound and mood created by the song