Moon Shot

by @lbrewington

Challenge: Moon Echo

Liner Notes

I was inspired by a forum post by @headfirstonly that discussed a plugin where the engineer traveled to a radio transmitter/receiver and bounced signals off the moon which created an echo effect with a Doppler wobble. I thought the video was pretty rad so I downloaded the plugin and started tinkering with it. That lead to the inspiration for this song. I fumbled around with the plugin but could never get it to stick with what i was working with so I tried to use one of the effects during the instrumental break (i don't think it worked, but with some more tinkering I think there could be potentially be something there so just a placeholder for now). I also added the "moon dust" white noise that slowly builds over the duration of the song. I felt bad not able to incorporate the plugin the way I wanted, but thanks for the song Moon Echo. Here is the forum post if anyone cares to watch the video:

#acousticonetake #challenge #moonecho


i'm yearning for you
your searching for me
we share this moon
so desperately

send your voice to the stars
let the moonlight reflect
all of the thoughts
that you're keeping tonight

f am
moon shot
c g am
carry me back home
f g c
mooon shot tonight

there's a spot on the moon
where the echoes go
it's sending back
all the whispers it got

through magic or science
i cannot say
but questions never change
the truth of the way


through space and time
we've drifted apart
but the universe still connects us all

so send your prayers to the sky
with an lunar embrace
leave our yearning
for the sun of the day


o moon shot tonight


Love this. It has a Cat Stevens vibe that takes me back to the times when we actually had moon shots for real (yes, I am old). Hainbach's plugin is used subtly, but you make it count.
Great take on the bouncing moon signals. Great folk ballad...well done
I think that instrumental break is perfect. And I love how the "moon dust" creeps in. I've been playing with this plugin a bit and feel that it may be more a supporting effect than an anchor, in which case your use of it here is spot on.
Evocative image of sending thoughts back and forth across the moon. Catchy melody on the verses and def a cool sound on that guitar
This sounds so cool, and I love the simplicity of the chorus. It's so easy to learn and sing along with. And the music is great, very yearning-y. In some ways, it sounds like it was written around the time of the moon landing, and I find that delightful. One of my faves of yours!
Good inspiration! Lovely comfortable feel to this, created by a sweet guitar and gentle vocals! Very nice song!
Nice vocals and mellow vibe. Reminds me of the best of the 70s singer/songwriters. I love the idea behind the song and that spacey solo!
Melody is absolutely beautiful! Love the moon theme, really evokes feelings and makes me ponder the metaphorical meanings!
I love the longing in the chorus, and the way it could mean so many different things. Maybe for one of the #songsidekick prompts you could write a chorus and we could all try writing verses for it. Oh, and the feel of the instrumental section is very spacy.
a song inspired by a plug in, the final use of which is restricted to the solo. i ike the process, and the song is very pretty with moony lyrics and vocals.
A lovely outcome from the inspiration. I like the direction you took with this. I think the effect you achieved was perfect in its subtelty.