5090 is

5090 is a summertime songwriting marathon from FAWM!

Join us and write 50 songs in 90 days, from July 4 to October 1. Be part of a global community of music-makers who have collectively written more than a quarter million songs as part of FAWM's annual songwriting challenges. Are you in?

Psst! Also follow FAWM/5090 on the socials for more news and inspiration:

So. Many. Songs.

The goal is simple: challenge yourself to write one new song every other day in the shortest month of the year. Don't wait for inspiration; just show up and make music! Participation is free.

Stay motivated.

Post lyrics or demos as you finish them. Get feedback from fellow fawmers. Track your progress. Get daily prompts, games, and other song ideas. 5090 keeps you in tune with your muse.


Maybe you just write lyrics, or just music, or struggle with both! Find new friends and collaborators from all over the world who complement your skills and challenge you in your craft.

Make music. Because you can.

With FAWM you write a ton of new songs, alongside a collaborative community of musicians worldwide. Join the movement!

Keep in touch?

Not ready to take on the challenge, but want to stay on top of FAWM news? Sign up for the mailing list for updates...