






Hi, I love FAWM & 5090 because of the talented people here and the positive vibes so important to creativity. I love meeting new singers and songwriters, and working with those I have met in previous years. Each year keeps getting better.

I am a lyricist-only, and I’m happy to write either lyrics-first, or write to existing music (much easier, IMO, because the music somehow tells me what to write.) I like #country, #rock, #ballad, #singersongwriter, #guitar, #pop, #jazz. Just depends on the mood and the music (like everything else!)

Please feel free to email me if you want to talk about a project. My email link is on this page.

Pronouns: She/Her.



For sure and thank you for writing such good lyrics. :)
HI Patty, I was finally able to upload My Magic Starship, which I sang into the computer to get the AI version that I put up first. Hope you like it.
Thanks Patty's, no regrets was fun to perform glad you liked it
Thank you for your kind words on "Haven / Haven't"!

The line "The juniper you wrapped around my wrist" was originally, before I read Nick Cave, "The kayaks we took out the day we kissed."
When I recorded it I extended it. I added more to the song when recording it. And I went back to it to add what I did.
Hi Patty, I just finished this one: https://fiftyninety.fawm.org/songs/298675
I wrote it 7 weeks ago. I used my younger voice on this one. I changed it to my younger voice and I uploaded my recording of me singing 30 years ago. lol let me know what you think for this song.
Thank you so much for your kind comments on "Broadcast"!
Hey, Patty. Thanks much for the listen and like for I Can Be Had. Really good lyric by the lads. McTown said he thought it sounded a bit like something by Alabama, which made me realize that it does, much to my chagrin since I don't really care for them. Oh well, at least I learned something not to do in the future.
Thank you Patty, I'm hoping to find a bagpipes to finish the song. Fingers crossed
Thank you, Patty's. Now I had to us an AI sub my voice for female, but it is a demo. So when I have my studio built, I'll rerecord it.
Hi Patty, You've got mail 😀
Hi Patty, thank you very much. I'll wait for Florian to send me your lyrics. I'm sure they will be beautiful. I have to say, skirmishes have been a great inspiration to me. They spark imagination and I found myself many of interest. I join whenever I possibly can as it is such a creative thing to participate and to see and hear what other people come up with. Some titles I would have never thought about. Please join when you can. It is a wonderful and rewarding experience.
Hi Patty, you are very welcome. Have a lovely September.
Hi Patty, thanks for the heads up. I fixed the link to my soundclick page.
i love broadway so your kind words on "sadness' mood" are high praise for me! thanks so much
Hi Patty, you are better than you give yourself credit for. We did discuss the lyric change idea I had for My Magic Starship. All is good :)
Hi Patty, you are very welcome. Good luck with finding the songwriters you are looking for 🤞
Hi Patty, I am writing to you for my catalog for my studio and now I have two directors who are going to use 18 of my songs in their films. So my goal is to write at least one song a day to fill what they want and what I have planned on shooting. One will be including "New Orleans" scenes. Thus going back to my roots for the songs and two others are dealing with historical time frames. so older music. So I hope to have at least 300 done by the end of Nov. We will see. At least demo level to get it into a live studio to complete. fingers crossed. Then the next step is building the teams of people and the structures to house the offices. That will take a lot of my time away from this part.
Part of my support of "Sing a Song of Love and Loss" is for you and part is because I also enjoy seeing the variety of approaches that are possible from a single starting point. It opens one's eyes to the possibilities that are available and is therefore educational.
Hi Patty. Glad you enjoyed "I Pray". Thanks for saying so, And I see there's been another taker for "Sing a Song of Love and Loss". Yay! I'm going to listen to it next.
Hi Patty,
Thanks for checking out and commenting on so many of my lyrics!
I'm thrilled with how this 50 90 is going from a productivity perspective. I think the number of lyrics I've written has largely been driven by trying to do once skirmish every day. I usually do the one that starts at 11pm UK time, by which point I've got the kids to bed and done all my tasks for the day. Thankfully my wife is also a night owl and a creative, so doesn't mind too much if we have our evening cup of tea and biscuits after midnight!
My version of SASOLAL is ready for the world :)
Thank you so very much for your kind words and encouragement, it really means a lot to me and as you write on your bio regarding the talented people and the positive and creative vibey atmosphere that FAWM and 5090 fosters... it's what keeps me coming back for sure. I have been involved with FAWM/5090 since 2008 and have been using these challenges as a way to develop my workflow, sharpen up my creative reflexes and to better learn and master the craft of writing, recording and performing music that's either self penned or created in a collaboration. I suppose "practise makes perfect."
I'm going to accept your "Sing A Song Of Love And Loss" challenge if I may and see what comes out of that.
I've also got to say that I'm impressed with your YouTube channel. I'm glad we've found each other :)
My Heart is Burning just cried out for the Blues treatment. I had fun with this one. I'm glad you liked it.
Thank you for that very thoughtful shout-out about "These Things", Patty. It's gotten scant attention here, but I'm not that surprised. I was actually stunned that it placed in the Muse thing. I think it's ok (thanks to Michael's production), but it wouldn't have gotten a high score from me as a song. Oh well, "de gustibus non est disputandum" and all that. 🤓
Thank you Patty for your kind note and your beautiful comment on my collaboration with Kristi and Christopher which I hold very dear. I'm glad you enjoyed listening to our song.
Me again! Thanks for listening and commenting on "You Changed My Mind" -- I, too, had to listen to that one twice -- to remember what it meant! :)
Thanks so much for checking out the "Boo Hoo, Baby" collab and leaving a comment! :)
Thank you, Patty, the song "Timeless Echoes" was my voice, and I was able to use Band in the box to create the instrumentation. I am glad you liked it.
The Bird's song at least had the family laughing when they heard it and could relate to what was in the song. And that was the point. It is nice to see others enjoying the song as well. And it is a touchy subject. Thank you.
Thanks for your supportive comment on "You Don't Live Here Anymore (Razzle Dazzle)." I am particularly proud of those two images.
I've just updated the page with your number as the lyrist. Right now, I am listed as the last publicist until I get one or I do it myself. That is what I had to do in that forum. So you as the lyrist, me as the composer, and I (right now) as the publicist. So as artists we are assigned 25% each.
Are you registered with ASCAP yet and if so what is your name used there?
Thanks for the comments. I really appreciate the time you spent with my music!
Thank you for the kind comments on "The Mist"! I want to make it clear - the story is Stephen King's story; I just wrote a song about his story. It felt like you think I wrote the story of the song; I didn't. :)

If you want to read the story, it's called "The Mist" and it's in his collection Skeleton Crew. It's a great read! The movie made from it is pretty good, too, although they change the ending in the movie.
Hi Patty, thanks for you kind and thoughtful comments on My Heart is Burning V2. Corey did a wonderful and creative job with my lyrics. So glad you enjoyed it!
Golf joke. A guy wns a local contest to play an entire round with Tigers woods at the end of the round all the local reports asked Tiger what he shot ignoring the other guy. Tiger says 68..I'm happy with that. Finally, someone asks the contest winner what he shot.. he Says 66. Wow is that ture. Yes he said. ". that was all the balls I had."
East coast meets west coast. You always have the nicest and encourageing comments about my songs and others..a true FAWMer. Your having a great FAWM ..Patty WELL DONE.
PS. i Hopefully your getting enoght golf in this year.
Hey, Patty, and thanks so much for commenting on 2:00 AM Blues. Fun project with the talented songwriter @gm7.
Hi, we are finished for the day. Lots of creepy dolls, thus why the song was made. Birds, plates, and Creepy dolls. lol and the argument about the Juke Box in the den.
On a different note, thank you I am glad you liked the "Lost Dreams" after the challenge, I dug deep for how I was feeling after my divorce. ( I am happily remarried now).
Hi, this is my unedited voice, I ran it through an auto-tune so you will recognize the fluctuation. But that is to me having a lot of vibrato in my voice and it doesn't work well for that. https://fiftyninety.fawm.org/songs/301050
Yes this is my voice on the smallest things
Geez, Patty, thank you for such sweet thoughts about Missing You. And I'm so pleased someone else finally checked out and commented on These Things, so thanks for that also. That one has sorta been hiding in the weeds someplace I guess, or maybe it's just too slow and long to grab much attention. Michael really labored to blend lo-fi hip-hop with my countrified stylings. I don't expect it'll get much in the way of placement in the Muse contest, but it was a pleasure to do as a project with him. He's kind of a mad genius, I think.
Hey, thanks to you for commenting on and liking Broken Hearts Go South with @gwynjones. Yes, AI is exciting. I've done several AI collabs involving human artists as well. I have one I did on my own with just the AI on the music, but haven't posted it anywhere. I will play around with that idea more as it produces a good tune, but I don't think outside of the human involvement on the muscial end, I would post any of those collabs directly one on one with just myself and the AI, but who knows. That could change. Lol Hey, keep up the good writing. Enjoy listening to your collabs as well. Cheers.
Hi, I am very happy that you enjoyed the New Orleans version of the song. I tried to do it justice. O looked at it and saw a country, and salad version as well. But settled on my roots. For this one.
Thanks for your kind review of "I May be a Dreamer". It was fun to do my bit on that one.
Thank you very much, I am glad you like my New Orleans song. I had to go back to my roots...
I always love when he does one of your writes. You guys are magical
Thank you for your comments. I took some time to put it together, but I think it's worth it. I hear the full orchestra in my head first and hope what I write comes out like I want it to.
And ditto for checking out Waitin' For the Woman. You knew that with a Donna lyric it would be worth a listen. Thank you, dear lady, for your always encouraging words.
Many thanks, Patty, for the listen and kind words about The Estate Sale. Joe is interested in seeing if we can come up with a shorter, brisker version, so that may pop up soon.
Thank you for your comments, I appreciate it.
As a more accomplished writer than I, so I truly appreciate your kind words on the collab (Prisoner) with David T. Many thanks
Thanks so much for your comments on "Stop This Ride" Patty, particularly the line you pointed out - I was struggling between "catch" and "grab" the ring, and settled on "catch".
Thank you for your kind comment on "And No Good Thing Ever Really Dies"! Much appreciated!
I'll take another look at 'Sing a Song of Love and Loss'. Vocal melodies come easy; a matching instrumental backing, less so (that's where more music theory knowledge would help). I'll let you know if I get something I like.
Thanks for checking out My Heart is Burning. Much appreciated :)
Thanks for your kind comments on "Never Should Have Come This Way". I tried to keep it simple and straightforward. Very glad you like it!
Hi! I'm flattered that you remembered my songs. I'm getting a slow start, but I'm glad to be here! Good to "see" you!
Thanks for your kind words regarding my song. I hope I don’t disappoint in the future!
Thanks so much for your kind comment on "Picture Perfect"! I had fun putting it together with my new Logic Pro Session Player pals. 😊
Glad you got to check out what I did with your "Sing a Song of Love and Loss". A recording and lyric/chord sheet is waiting in your in-box. This sent me off in a direction beyond my norm, but I had fun with it. I always enjoy hearing what others can create from a common starting point so I hope others will participate.
Yes the kitchen got finished! Finally! "Twas /Is wonderful!! 😀
Hi Patty! Thanks so much for your enthusiastic positive comment on "It's Our Call". I am humbled and thankful.
Thank you so much. I'm slowly recovering. It's a long road.
Thanks for your comment on "Franklin Doesn’t Want You to Dance" -- I fancy myself about as good a dancer as Elaine. :)
Thanks for the listen and comment on my latest rock opera song!
Thank you so much for the nice comments for Fairytale Life.
Thanks for your lovely comment. Will give yours a listen when I can hear anything over the screaming kids!
Thanks for the listen and comment on Hollywood Science. I’m having a slow start to 50/90 but maybe a collab sometime?
Thx for checking the lyrics out and for the kind comments, green grass girl!
Thanks for checking out Good Examples of Bad Examples, Patty, and for your encouraging comment.
Thanks for listening to "Impressions". Glad you liked the cascading "impressions" in the chorus. I thought singing the word four times in a row would be a bit static, so I tried to find a way to add a bit of life to it. I was happy with the result.
Wonderful lyric as usual.
Hi Patty, it's always a pleasure to comment on your lyrics and collaborations. Thank you for your support. Have a great Summer.
Thanks for the “picture” appreciation of “Once Upon A Time.”
Wow, thank you so much for your kind comments on so many of my songs! I really appreciate them and you! I recommend reading Stephen King's Dark Tower series, and after that "River Crossing" and "What Else Could I Do?" will probably make more sense.
Glad you enjoyed "Fast Time Or Slow Time", Patty. Thanks for the listen and kind words.
Hey Patty!

OK, great 5090… Looking forward to all your collaborations and lyrics!!
Hey Patty - glad to see you back! Have a fun 5090.
Thank you so much for stopping by to listen! Your comment meant a lot
Hey Patty - have a great 50/90! Maybe this summer we can collab!
Have a great 50/90!
Hi Patty, hope you have a fun 50/90!
Good day Patty, 5090, here goes 😀
Hi Patty, those 2 lyrics of yours are almost in the bag,,,
Have a fruitful and productive 50/90!
Hi Patty! Woop. Let's do this.... 🙌
Have a great 50/90, Patty!
Hi Patty! Happy to see you again. Looking forward to some new songs. Have a great 5090!
Hey there! Have a productive 50-90!
Patty...your back!! Cool
Hi Patty! Happy 50/90!