Nine Discs

by @lbrewington

Liner Notes

Bob Lazar went on television with a blurred face and fake name "Dennis" to expose the alien aircraft research at Area 51. Bob would eventually come out under his real name and to this day swears he was involved in researching alien aircraft at Area 51.

#songsidekicksongcircle #badactor #modernherosong #acoustic

Brushed this old idea for a song and completed since the prompt for the song circle was someone with bad intentions. Tried to write a modern american folk hero song with a twist. Took a couple of hours till final demo.


am -c g - am
amongst the sandy dunes of old nevada
where secrets go undisocvered
1983, i was working for a fee

down by the shore of old groom lake
los almos shook and shake
you could see the very air begin to quiver

g am
don't call me denis anymore
c g
the government done stole all my forms
g am
bob lazar is the name
c g
trust me i'm not insane
c am g
nine discs that pierce the nightime sky

the people here always read their bible
mind their business whiles sipping budweiser
no body here ever askin why

got a gun pointed at my head
posters reading you're not here
told to keep my head down all the time

c am
star wars
cia monkey business
plotted and refined
blacked out windows
on a traveling bus
Extraterrestrial origin


i believe


That charisma of the crazy really comes through. You inhabit the character so completely. The repetition of that image of Nine discs that pierced the nighttime sky grabs me and shakes me. Great response to the prompt. And I like how you always jump right on the assignment and get it done right away. Looking forward to hearing it live.
the lyrics, music, and your performance bring this person to life in all his frustrated, persecuted glory. i believe in what this guy saw because of the way he pleads his case through your performance.