My Victory Song

by @lbrewington

Challenge: Short And Sweet

Liner Notes

For approaching the Short and Sweet challenge I had two ideas. One was to make a very slow musically sparse piece with lyrics that were just too vulnerable and revealing. The other was to just make a fast song and squeeze it in that way. I was hoping for the first, but ended with the second. Came in right at two minutes which kind of feels like cheating. So to compensate the song is about running out of time.

#challenge #shortandsweet #acoustic

Took about two hours. Short and Sweet indeed. Wrote a rift while watching some screen and then when I sat down to write a chorus just came together. From there I just started trying to fast talk over a chord and the song was done. Not sure a chorus that changes drastically every time can even be called a chorus, but regardless was trying to squeeze a bunch in a short window so call it what you will.


[capo 7]

time is running short
and everytime you close your eyes
another day has come and gone
when will this circle close

d - a - e
there's a feeling growing inside of me
and i've been working like a dog to set it free
my love is shining like a key
this music will be my last decree

and every thought that is lost is another song unsung
another world of riches that this the world will never know

you got to rise up early just stay ahead
you got to carpe diem just to get some bread
[x]you got to hit the highest of notes without regard
you got to feel it deep down in your soul

and i sit here with these thoughts as they toss inside my mind
it's just wasted chance for something else i could have found

o i gotta get on that wheel and just keep running
gotta make it to the top before i'm gone
gotta learn how to sing along
gotta craft, my victory song


Sounds great. Really like the line "and every thought that is lost is another song unsung." Definitely hit home
Love the concept and how you developed it! I really love the messages you deliver in this song and the insight and encouragement you bring to us! Your vocals and delivery are so wonderfully emotive! Love the rocking bluesy feel and your expressive phrasing!