






Update for 2024: Actually, doing more than dabbling now. FAWM has been life-changing. Having some limited "success" on SPOTIFY with some of my songs. Have a good FAWM folks!

Update for 2023: So far, covid-free...BUT got that darned RSV thing and it has hung around for the last 6 weeks or so, so don't expect my vocals to be quite as...mellifluous.

Update for 2022: I'm still alive! "Heartbreak is my brand™"

Update for 2021: Had a successful 50/90 (my second one completed!), so FAWM should be a piece of cake, right? Hope to stretch my wings genre-wise, per usual. Looking forward to listening to the rest of you.

Update for 2020: Health problems, including NO VOICE so far (writing this on 2/6). I've written lyrics for 6 songs while I wait to recover, so I THINK I'll eventually get my usual 14 in. Stay tuned...

Update for 2019: I'll be putting out my 3rd album (pop) shortly after FAWM 2019 closes, and a 4th (country) album later this year. Going to try and do about half my usual "country" fare this time around and half R&B. FAWM has been life-changing! Good luck to all!

UPDATE FOR 2018!! I have an album out now--all proceeds go to KIVA.org to provide microloans for educating women in developing countries.



The video was from Sky Princess (the “Love Boat”).
Ah, that's interesting.
I saw a video on Twitter about Suno's Cover feature. It looks really cool. I'm definitely going to try to invest some time post 50 90 into delving into all the AI music sites and the options they offer!
Thanks so much, Jerry. :) I've published 196 songs in the past year. Three of them were with Synthesizer V (Solaria), and I seem to be just easing my way into singing, letting it happen organically. I think I have three semi-sung songs on my latest Bandcamp album. So, I'm getting there. As far as your voice goes, it sounds great to me. ❤️
but jerry, we are still in the 70s, but these are OUR 70'S. 71 and 72 i was just playing covers in beer.dance joints. started doing nderground self-produced concerts in 73 and didnt start getting booked for original band music til 78. played original material in bands until 82..then nothing but the solo folk circuit until 96...various bands until 2012..then left the US, started fawming in 2014. Noe im back in the USA, trying to get a second wind.
You hit 50! Congratulations!
Hi, Jerry, Yeah, those obit notices really get your attention, don't they? You're feeling what I was feeling when I wrote the lyrics for Fly Away, All. It just seems so sad sometimes, so I wanted a sort of hopeful take on the situation. I love what @sheslin did with these lyrics, and her piano and vocal harmonies really get me. Thanks for letting us know you enjoyed it.
Thanks so much for the nice comment on Bill's and my song. :)
Thanks so much for your comment on "The View From Here." :) It's actually a window, though I get why that might not be obvious. I was trying to get at the way sometimes windows are clear but in the dark they can actually reflect, rather than being seen through. Thanks again for listening!
Thanks, Mr. Pettit, for jumping in for a listen to Berlin and Girl, Thank Me. Sorry to hear you missed our boy Isbell at Wolf Trap, which would've been amazing, I bet. I see him as true artist of the first water. You might enjoy this--it's a link to a conversation 5 or 6 years ago between him and writer George Saunders. Fun to observe their quite prodigious mental wheels turning.https://youtu.be/4hQGEXVKKEU?si=f0bFtOlggYAFjbK4
Thanks for your comment on "Out of Style; Out of Touch" - the only 'AI' bit in this one was the vocal switch using Audimee, which basically applies another vocal tone using the phrasing that you've sung. 'Becky' is likely to make further appearances.
ANOTHER TRUE STORY When I was eight years old, I took that very same book and copied out every topic sentence, strung them out into paragraphs, and turned in a 50 page essay on the rise and fall of adolf hitler. the teacher was so stunned that they took me into a special room and had me read it aloud into a tape recorder for their archives. a few years ago, i emailed the school and asked if that tape still existed. the answer was negative.
Thanks for all of your lovely comments on many of my songs so far! I do not currently play live at all, BUT I am planning to try to start changing that -- and if I do, I'll let you know! ;)
Thanks for your comment on "Trick Or Treat" -- I'm definitely not celebrating Halloween yet (though you're right, the stores are) but the song is leftover from last year so I didn't mind working on it ahead of time. ;)
thanks for the comment on "where our ghosts don't hide"!
did yu know that secrret agent man was originally called Danger Man and was written as the theme song of a british television show of the same name. The writer, pf sloan who also wrote eve of destruction, changed the title when it was used for american rebroadcast of the series, which was aired under the title Secret Agent.
Nnhhunh FTW!
Appreciate your checking out River King, Jerry, and the kind words. I've recently gotten involved with a Zoom book club of a few old college chums scattered about the country and we've decided "James" is gonna be our next one.
Hi Jerry,

Here is the song I wrote about my discovering my son:
thanks for you comments on the death of the eternal. i think @chipwithrow would add more and better harmonica and would have a much more interesting guitar arrangement .(i sprained my left arm in a fall the other day and am not playing very well. in addition, i changed my strings from light to medium, which is making it even more difficult to play))
Hi, Jerry, let me add my appreciation for your comments on @cbmagic’s treatment of my lyric, Sing a Song of Love and Loss. He really went all in with that delivery, which just delighted me. Thanks for letting us know you enjoyed it.
Thank you, Jerry. I'm glad you liked "Sing a Song of Love and Loss". I wanted it to have that gritty, beat the ground type of song. I hope it came out that way. Thank you.
Ha! But I’m not talking about married vs single. I’m talking about dying alone on y deathbed vs dying with my husband holding my hand. I’m not picking a fight with you but on the assumptions society loves to make.
Hi there! I am glad that "Summer of Pain" is the first song of mine you heard since IMHO it's one of few of my own creations that I'm rather satisfied with. The horns are Logic's standard "Studio Horns" which worked well in this limited context. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks for your comment on Marthie's interpretation of my lyrics on "I've Been Waiting." :) I liked hearing how she connected to it.
Hi, Jerry, I really appreciated your comments on Secrets Are Dangerous with @sheslin and @dgiarrap. I was very pleased with how Susan captured exactly the feeling I was going for in the lyrics, and how Dominick willingly stepped in and provided just the right percussion for the song. It was a very positive collab, and I'm glad you enjoyed it and took the time to let us know. Thank you!
Hi Jerry, I'm glad you came back to my site. Just as covid hit, I had a work accident. I was a stage hand, grip,cameraman and soud guy. I had to fill in foe electrical and while taking the trussapart next to the stage, they knocked a video wall down on me. Long story short laid me up for a few yrs.. back, head shoulder brain injuries. But I'm back, sort of. Can not stand long without pain, so no more stage work or performing for me. So what you are hearing is me using my headset to sing into. But I still love it. Now if you can give me some tips on how to get my stuff on thing like Spotify that would be agrat help. I'm right now a one man band. And I thing doing it well so far. Thank you for liking my music
Thank you for the thoughtful comments on my collab with Garry!
I have to admit that I had to use Google to find out about "Sturgeon Moon", too. I know that a sturgeon is a fish and that Sturgeon Falls is a town half an hour west of me, but the idea of sturgeon moon was brand new to me. I guess 5090 is a learning experience that goes beyond the music.
Thanks for checking in on How Got Can One Man Get, Jerry. I think I rushed it out of production because I realize now the vocal hurts my ears. Maybe I'll get around to remixing it. I'm just such a newbie clown on the production stuff. I keep watching YouTube sessions on proper use of LogicPro, but I think my main problems are using EQ properly and just having good ears for what a proper mix should sound like.
Hey, thanks for commenting on freaky.
When I record on my phone (my main device is my Samsung A52s 5G), I use AudioRec (a cracked version) for recording voice memos and music demos.
So pleased you enjoyed reading 'Goldenrod'. (-: Thank you for commenting.
Thanks for your suggestion for a playlist title 'Morning piano' it is. I really appreciate your support with this.
Your effort will be rewarded. Got a new song for tomorrow. 😀
Jerry, thanks for scrolling back to find the songs you missed - there might be more in the early days. I’m still tinkering but not happy with anything. I may have peeked - lol! Will post something new if my muse returns.
Glad you enjoyed "I.....Missed.....You", Jerry. And you even read the liner notes! Thanks, my friend!
You're a breath of fresh air, Jerry, to quote another cliche - lol! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your encouraging comments on my songs. You're at 36 songs so you'll be around for a bit longer. So many regulars seemed to have fallen away... discouraging me from doing any more...
Hey Jerry! While I've been away, you listened to "I May be a Dreamer" and "Lost on Purpose". You always say such nice things and I thank you for that.
I'm with you, Jerry. Staying awake past 9:00 pm anymore is heroic. Thanks for the listen and the nice comment, man.
i moved quite a bit as a kid, from K-12 i attended 11 schools in 4 states.
Hey, Jerry. Glad my Ferris Wheel gave you some ideas to inspire a future write. You reminded me I need to do some happy, love themed stuff too instead of the break ups. Thanks! : )
Thank you for the zong bust and encouraging comments, Jerry!
H. Jerry, Thanks for listening to @lindsaymachine's version of Sing A Song of Love and Loss, and for your vote on the tambourines. If you have time, check out @cbmagic's version, New Orleans Style. All comments welcome.
Thanks for visiting and commenting on "Come to My House", Jerry.
Thank you. Jerry. Oh, it looks like we were listening to each other 🎵
My sincere thanks, Jerry, for your exceptionally kind comments about Missing Everything.
Jerry, you are a great Cheerleader! Thanks for your enthusiasm for Cavalcade, my collab with David Taro. I absolutely loved what he did with this very challenging lyric. And you're right about that other thing....Covid Schmovid!
weir is a very common term in the uk and australia. its always interesting what words are not worldwide in english speaking countries.
I gather that two of us both received permission to go ahead with music for "Build Me a Time Machine". I wasn't too worried about it because it's rather educational to see/hear what others do with the same input. Thanks for checking out my version, Jerry.
:) Raising and Racing are very different words. Yes, raising. Is it a bad title? I was hoping it was making sense :)
Jerry, I’m so glad you’re catching up on the songs you missed. I totally get the “Rain” thing. I may just be on a break - we’ll see.
Thanks for the comment on 'Cold Launderette' - I hope your friend pulls through OK (I think they have a good start as they already have a concerned friend who knows they are having difficulties - good luck with your session too).
Thanks for your input, Jerry. I feel the energy dwindling, including my own, so I'm taking my bow - at least for now - lol!
I was looking for your forum post about how this magic thing isn’t so magical (I agree) having posted a song without comments for an hour. And you found it listed on page 15 or something like that. I, too, posted a song over an hour ago, no comments. And I can’t even find it on up to page 20. What is the point of this “magic” button if nobody is seeing your song? I think that’s why we’re here. And I’ve had a lot of great comments but after awhile, when the regulars start dwindling and your song isn’t seen or commented on, what’s the point? Especially when I’ve made 472 comments with 179 zong busts. Think I’m deleting it and calling 50/90 done for this year. Thanks for listening. 😜
Thanks for the comment and the remark. You are right, I missed the lyrics because with my first collab I did not know how this would work. Unfortunately there is not way to reference the original directly.
Anyway, the original lyrics are now posted with it. I had modified it a a few places to better fit my song. I will add my version later, too.
Jerry, you are such a wonderful cheerleader! Thanks for your enthusiasm for Bless Me, Father. I think @gwynjones outdid himself on this one. I just love it and I'm glad you enjoyed it, too. And thanks for the kind words about getting over Covid (I hope,) As so many of us know, CV NOT FUN! 😀
Thank you for your comments on "My Magic Starship". I've just updated it to add the bridge and final touches.
Thanks for your nice words about "Closing Down Time", Jerry, You've been so busy on your own music, I'm not sure how you have time to visit other FAWMers, but I'm glad you do.
Hi Jerry, thanks for the nice words on My Magic Starship. I’ve never done with a song with AI before so this is new to me. And we are still working on a few little things. So glad you enjoyed it.

You asked where I’ve been—- well, I’ve been dealing with Covid for weeks and it’s not fun at all. Takes all my energy just to get a cup of coffee. But I think I’m on the mend now so you might be hearing more from me soon.
You are too kind, Jerry. Thanks for taking a listen to Hard Whiskey and your always encouraging words.
groupies are a palpable hazard in the life of a busker. the worst kind of stalker. at least the groupies that inhabit indoor venues can only bug you during the time it takes to pack up your gear and leave (though thys often offer to help with your gear) they usuallly sont know where you will be playing next, and dont really care as they have staked out their claim to a particular stage and come on to whoever is performing there on a particular night. but the busker groupers know where to find you, an will often hang around for quite a while, distracting you while you try to perform for those who pass by.
Thanks so much, Jerry, for your thoughts on Losing Her Beautiful Face. Essa has such a kind spirit and so sincerely wants to grow as a lyric writer, so it's a joy for me to help him hear his concepts brought to music.
Hey Jerry - your comments on "Will Anyone Listen" - about your grandmother - made me remember that Cindy had the exact same reaction about her grandmother after hearing an early version of the song. I had a different idea for the outro, but swapped it for a fading chorus of "listen" , and I put the "listen" in the intro in a whisper voice. How amazing you both had the same reaction!
Thank you Jerry for your input.
You were right I uploaded the same track. so try the first one again, it is deferent.
CB Crosby
Glad you enjoyed the venture into the realm of Christmas ("Good News!") that I did with Liz. Normally, I stay away from Christmas songs because my son has made that his specialty. He's currently at work on his 16th annual Christmas album. He's had four of his songs used in a Hallmark movie. Google A Kristian Kinda Christmas if you're curious.
Yeah, don't know how strictly descending the challenge was supposed to be - in that loop, the first and third chords descend but then later, the bass note ascends now and then. But I listened to others, and I think it does qualify.
Thanks for all your encouraging comments on my piano pieces. The Spotify playlist suggestion is very interesting. I will make some playlists and see how it goes.
Thank you I enjoyed the collaboration and I know I sound like Elvis but at least he is no longer with us. Glad you liked the swing.
CB Magic
And a big thanks also for the listen and kind comment about Waitin' On A Woman.
Hey there, Jerry. I dropped off the grid for a week or so there and I'm not sure I said thank you for the kind comment about The Estate Sale. We may try to come up with a shorter, brisker version shortly. This one ran kinda long. But thanks for your positive words.
Glad you liked "Slow Love Song", Jerry. Thanks for listening and your positive comment.
the challenge in the surf song was to incorporate the thing you hate most about songs, si u chose the introductions. then i realized i had to have a song to follow the intro, so i used the first one i ever wrote..when i was 15 and learning to surf..before i was brave enough to go out and catch a wave, i rode them after they broke, in the soup. fo surf music, i listened mostly to guitar based instrumentals, never listened to the beach boys ecept for what i heard on the radio. i did listen to jan and deam because afriend of mine wrote most of their songs. and later sang jans parts on the record, and in the end was singing both parts.
Thanks for your comments on Hands of Hope Orchestrated. I know, Nadia does some wonderful piano pieces. But I couldn't help myself, I had to play along. I'm glad you found it inspiring.
Small world, indeed! I think my mom got her graduate degree (before going to seminary) across the state line in Madison!? I'll have to ask her. I was in grade school then and don't really recall.
Ah no, 7,500 total sounds, only some of which are vocal samples. All sorts, synth, drums, choirs, strings, bass, brass etc. That said the Fantom (or many synths probably) don't excel at everything, if you were serious, say, about orchestration, you'd gravitate towards a vst sample library. But there is a lot of usable stuff there.
Thanks for your comments on "Book It, Believe Me" -- I love learning about midwestern connections! Though I was actually born in the Bay Area, I don't remember living on the coast until we moved to the NYC area in 2001. I'm solidly raised in Kansas and Iowa. Did your dad go to the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary? My mom did! :)
Thanks, Jerry, for appreciating "Pom Pom Cigarettes." And, yes, that IS the problem - splitting time between fiction and music. I haven't been managing it too well and have been neglecting my novels. But this 50/90, a lot of my songs seem to be scenes out of a novel so maybe *that* needs my attention. :)
Thank you for listening: Yes I am working on a musical #beautifulworld fingers crossed I finish something this time... Here is the link of songs so far in the playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLnyzCv3b2jMo4JnOilzrue5A2eJDC-6H
Thanks for responding to "Smoker's Blues". Luckily, we have no one in our family smokes. My late father, on the other hand, began smoking when he was 8. Sixty years later, cancer got him. It seems strange to be older than my father.
Thanks for your comment on "Nickels and Dimes". Your silverware drawer comment made me feel particularly good.
I told ya - I can’t *really* take a break - lol! I need to make music so why not enjoy the 50/90 season.
Thanks for your kind response to "Silver Lining". I think mine was okay but I preferred Roddy's to mine.
Thanks Jer and sorry about your trauma. My Dad had his faults (stubborn beyond belief!) but so good hearted too.
Thanks so much for the generous comment on "Take On the Night" -- much appreciated. :)
Hey, Jerry! Thanks for your comment on "You Mean the World to Me". You always say the nicest things!
Thanks for giving a listen to my "Old Soldier" song. Glad it made you laugh, that was definitely the aim of the song.
for many years, i put myself to sleep by counting, not sheep, but the names of all my past girlfriends.
jerry, i feel no affinity for dylans lyrics. i dont write about the things that interest dylan, i dont even use the same kind of words as he, for instance, i could never call a girl babe. but i agree that david has uncovered my inner dylan and created a song that is dylanesque in the best way. i could never do this by myself,,,,and if i could, it could never be as good as this one.
Thanks for keeping an eye (and an ear!) on my songs, Jerry. Glad you like "Montana Bound", too.
I can't seem to take that break I keep meaning to - lol!
my eyesight is geting worse by the day, have to wear glasses to even see the words ont he computer. cant wait til i get back to the states t have the cataract and glaucoma surguries. leaving for florida on march 15th.
Thanks so much for your comment on "Sweet On You" -- it felt a little silly when I wrote it last summer, but there's nothing wrong with silly, even if it is. ;)
Hi, Jerry, thanks for your comment on “She Hesitated”. I’m not sure what type of music this song is. Doesn’t strike me as country but maybe it is!
Thanks for checking out "The World’s Gonna Be Just Fine". I got carried away a bit and ended up with a 7 chord song.
Thanks for comments on 'Rock Meal.' I have fun with different style stanzas and odd chord progressions.
religion is much different down here. it hasnt been weaponized by polititians. And the churches are poor. I dislike the upper echelons of the organization, fat pig priests who flaunt their superiority to the common people. but the naive, superstitious congregation differs from the hypocrites of north american christiandom. as one believer told me, 'we need jesus because we dont have the nuclear bomb to protect us' i wrote this song the day after being forced to attend a mass for kelly on her birthday. a dreadful ordeal...the following day in my way to the market, i stopped into a neighborhood church to rest my feet and a baby was being baptised. the feel was the opposite of the previous day's ordeal. i remained for ten minutes or so, and upon leaving, these lyrics came to me.
So funny you mentioned the master class. That’s where I first saw DeadMau5 - a lot of interesting classes there.
Jerry, thanks for your comment on Voyage 14: Dismbarked. Much appreciated. The Garritan piano--there's a reason Steinway approached Gary Garritan before all others back in 2005! That is the Steinway D Intimate sample running under Ambiessence as the effects setting. It's the one I tend to use unless I really want that sharp Steinway sound which is the memory heavy Concert Grand. Garritan Personal Orchestra is hugely under-rated now, mainly because (I suspect) no-one wants the work of fiddling with the effects.
Thanks for the appreciation of "All Things Work Out." Ah, yes, my husband is a PK.
hi jerry. i have a lyric for you to consider. since my facebook has been hacked and i am locked out of it, ill have to send it through email. so if you want to see it, email me at BWhi51@gmail.com. If you decide to take it on, you will have to give it priority, as my future is uncertain since I am very shortly moving to floridaand dont know what the internet situation will be in my new living conditions.
Thanks for your comment on "Hurts Better Walking" — the bad news for me is that it hurts more sitting down, or after sitting, and it’s hard to write while walking. 😂
Glad you came back to check on the health of "Sing a Song of Love and Loss", Jerry. I'll have to check and see if any others have tried their hand at it. I've been away from home and internet for most of the week, so it's catch-up time.
"Rapid Unplanned/Unscheduled Disassembly" was kicking around in the aviation industry back in the 70s. AFAIK the expression was first used to describe a Saturn V mishap on a test stage back in 1965. Musk, as ever, stealing someone else's idea and making it his LOL
Thanks for your kind comments on Let It Slide 😁 Really glad you enjoyed it
Thanks for your comments on Dead Man's Curve. I love folk songs, so I hope I end up with one ;)

You are killing 50/90. I have been lacking time but will attempt to get to a whole bunch of your great songs soon!
Hi and thanks for your comments on "Lemon Boy"! The title came from a #badsongclub prompt: more details on what that is in this forum thread!
thank you for your comments on the search. it is just a variation on platos allegory of the cave. but this tale takes place in a valley that is clouded over so the people in it have never seen the stars, so they dont know there is a universe out there, and one day the first man in the valley sees the stars and begins to see his life in relation to that newly discovered unknown
If you do get Logic Pro, I recommend the “Why Logic Pro Rules” YouTube channel for tips and tricks. Pretty comprehensive. He’s my favorite.
Thanks so much for checking out our collab on "Misty Light's Alive" -- I appreciate the encouragement, always!
Comments and posting songs by regulars seem to be down. July is a busy month, I guess. Thanks for your regular posting and commenting!
when my voice started decaying in the tenor range, i developed my baritone rnage, so as long as i stay there i sound ok. several years ago, my wife advised me to avoid the high notes, as they didnt sound good. as for you, i think you are a good tenor, but would advise you to start working on the lower notes as well so, if your tenor boive does begin to decay, you will have a strong baritone in its place. example of my vocal range 50 years ago https://billwhite.bandcamp.com/track/the-bodies-in-the-gallery
Is it my imagination or is 50/90 a bit quiet this year? Feels more like September than July. Not sure I’m going to reach my “31 songs in July” goal. Losing steam.
Thanks for the comment on 'Hometown Harbor'! Yes, one take on the vocal - not my normal, which is usually up to 6 takes, with the 3rd and 4th being the best!
Thanks for your comment on the Metamorphosis song! I made a diagram!

Thank you for all your comments!
For me, the key to improv/"sound design" is embracing the unpredictability and loss of control. I often have no idea how my pedals are going to interact when I turn a knob; sometimes it feels like I'm riding a bucking bronco.
Thanks, Jerry, for your “Around Midnight” comments. I’m trying to do 31 songs in July. Getting close!
Lovers Park is in miraflores, the expensive section of lima where most of the expatriates live. Kelly sent me a postcard of it back in 2008 and most o the lyrics are culled from what she wrote on the back of the card. The sculpture is an original by Víctor Delfín, who lives near the park
Thank you for stopping by for :Rose Coloured Glasses". The AI generated vocals and music were with Udio.
Thanks for the comment on 'With These Hands'. The Kornbluth story is the same name, I read it from Gutenberg.org (free e-books).
Thanks for listening to "It's Our Call", Jerry. I appreciate your kind comment.
Thanks for your kind words on "Same Angels" -- I've been thinking about trying some open mics. So far I only play at church and the occasional Filk Festival. :) I appreciate the encouragement. I think of myself as a better writer than performer.
Thanks for commenting on Restraining Order. Marriage or divorce never entered into my thought process when I created the potential lyric. Just something I saw with those two words that seem to light the creative fire. Thanks again!
Hi, Jerry, Thanks for the nice comment on Sing a Song of Love and Loss. My post is an experiment in seeing how a variety of musicians would use the same lyric to create different songs. I hope more musicians will join in with their own interpretations.
No, I did not put a lot of work into the vocal. It's a present with the voice Solaria. Very minor tweaks. Solaria is a well-designed voice. Most of the others are not as well designed.
Thanx for your comments on Love Is A Simple Song.
thank you for your comment on everybody needs somethng not to believe in, but dont take it seiously as a history lesson. there is no relationship between the presidents and the lines connected to them. i wrote all the verses first and then thought of names to attach to them. common names seemed to trite, so i settled on the idea of going down the list of presidents from washington to lincoln, then fast forwarding to the 21st century ones. i dint put any liner notes on the song becaue i wanted peole to make connections of their own rather than explain that there was no political intent, only vague political inderences that would be different for each person who listened.
Your comment on "Peter, Sew Your Shadow On" was a real mood-booster. Thanks for the kind words!
Thanks for reaffirming the simple approach in "Love is a Simple Song". Just a double-tracked guitar, bass and a hint of piano.
Yes randomness is a friend. Thanks for listening to "Forest Spirit's Rebuff".
Where did I learn music production? Besides having a propensity for it (musician/DJ/sound engineer family), using computers since the late 70s, working in Silicon Valley capped off with a "modern musician certificate" from Berklee online (Coursera), which included songwriting, musicianship, and the technology of music production. And from there, I keep up my studies through Groove3 and SonicAcademy. So much to learn and I'm excited that all that hard work is starting to show. Thank you so much, Jerry!
i had a similar thing happen that made me feel i was losing my mind. i woke up late at10"30 and wondered by it was still dark outside. I ran downstairs and nobody was there, I went outside and all was quiet. I checked all clocks and they all said 10.30. I wondered if the world had ended or if i was dead. Then I checked a clock downstars that was on military time and it read 22.30,and I saw what the problem was. it was actually 10.30 at night . I had fallen asleep in the afternon and slept 7 hours. I then wondered what i was going to do with the rest of the night, as I was wide awake, so I put on a movie and fell back asleep util 5am.
Thanks, Jerry, one of my brethren in BIAB! Our instruments never get stolen from the van, the bass player never goes to rehab, the guitar player isn't a total diva and the drummer never runs off with our girlfriend, right? Thanks for the listen, man.
Thanks so much for your kind words on "The Day After You" - I've not found the time to listen back to any of yours yet to comment but I will when I get the chance.
Hi Jerry - I think it probably is something to do with the browser at your end, but it's important that we get reports like this because it focuses attention on ways in which we can improve the site's back end to make this sort of stuff less likely to happen. So the guys are going to work on a way of supporting more file formats (OGG, VORBIS, FLAC etc.) by transcoding to a standard mp3 file format that Beto knows is reliable; he has a plan! It might take a while and it might not be done by the end of 50/90 this year but FAWM next year will benefit. This should also fix the issues with badly encoded mp3 files which have been cropping up this summer. So thanks for letting me know about what was happening.
Hi Jerry. Thanks for stopping by.

Sometimes, I wait for a while for a collaborator to come by and then two come along at once. Well, this time, four came along at once, and that was enough to get a bandwagon forming.

There's always been a place in FAWM/5090 for everyone putting their own spin on the same lyric (the year I started, there was one that had the same lyric, melody *and* chords - and the versions still sounded completely different), so it looks like what I had originally intended to be a cobweb-clearer has become this year's Explore the Core challenge. I shan't complain.
Hi Jerry - that's weird; I've checked the playback on my system and it's playing fine. Can you give me some details on what operating system and browser you're using, please? OS build number and browser version numbers are useful too, if you've got 'em. I'll let Beto and Burr know about this, because there have been some really weird bugs dropping out of the woodwork recently (such as Bandlab's new free mastering service screwing up people's mp3 files so that playback dies after three seconds...)
Hi, Jerry, So glad you follow Gwyn Jones so you could see our song, Cat In The Attic. I thought he did a wonderful job conveying the heartbreak of Miss Casey. Thank you for your generous comments.
Oh, wow, Jerry--you are too much. Your kind words about How I Wish have me all aflutter. Thank you, sir, for lending an ear and saying such nice things. Means a lot coming from an artist like yourself.
Thanks for breaking me out of Zong-jail with your comment on "Dirty" -- I wouldn't mind hearing some other songs about dirty folks. ;)
Ah, Jerry - thanks for your kind comments of "Waves of Lost Passion". Cindy's words are always great to work with.
what happened to the school? in the middle of the second verse, it wnt lank and a warning this video is unavailable popped up. are you going to repost it?
Hey Jerry. Apparently there was an issue with the encoding. It's fixed and you can take a listen at your convenience. Maybe I'm having a so-called Mandela Effect moment, but I thought you weren't recording until August.
Thanks for coming to the latest prayer meeting at "Pray for Us", Jerry. I appreciate your always positive comments.
I’m digging up photos on the internet. The photo on “Once Upon A Time” was AI-generated.
i had the same problem with sandy beaches. finally had to listen to it on my phone. several other embedded songs have the ame problem. yesterday sandy beaches played two seconds and stopped. then i rebooted and it was fine.
Thanks for your comment on "Baby, I'm Your Man" — I think it counts as a collaboration, but not 50-50. I wrote only the lyrics for the first stanza based on slack chat conversation, and the rest was out of my hands. 🤘🏼🙂
Jerry, thanks for the nice comments on "Chances". Interesting you mentioned the volume sounding low. I have pretty basic recording abilities and I struggle with getting the volume right. I appreciate the nice comments on the song!
Thanks for your comments on “Secondhand” and “Secret Family Recipes” -- I've had some pretty good microwave burritos in my day, so you may still be a chef. ;)
Hey, Jerry. Thanks for the encouragement on Fast Time or Slow Time. I think the town, Union City, that lady was telling me about is sort of in both Indiana and Ohio and apparently, at one time, one of the two states recognized daylight saving time and the other didn't. Here's an old article about the confusion:https://www.nytimes.com/1983/04/24/us/confusion-time-resumes-today-in-union-city-indiana-ohio.html#:~:text=Most%20counties%20in%20Indiana%20decided,time%20from%20April%20to%20October.
Glad you're not caffeine deprived, Jerry. Thanks for having a cup with "Morning Coffee With You". Your turn to bring the cookies next time.
lee says anyone who calls her the nurse babe is alright by her!
just so we are clear :-) i have 20 more done im just posting 1 every 2 days and stockpiling for my travels! and allowing your bit of glory . i really am tryng to only do 50 this year, but you never know
Thanks for checking out my lyrics. I enjoyed your humorous comment!
Thanks very much for your enthusiastic comments on "I Pray", Jerry. And, yes, I watch your country's divisive politics from a safe distance and wonder when sanity will return to the red-hatted crowd. (Should I say red hated crowd?) Luckily, I live close enough to look over the fence but far enough away that the far-right vigilantes won't reach me. Since the arrival of Trump as a "politician" I have refused to visit your fine country. I wait for better times to return.
I'd take a photo of the day Jerry had more songs than Coolparadiso :-)
Thanks for your comment on "Satan, No" — and may we all encounter less Satan in our relationships!
Keep your shirt on, Jerry. A new song is 75% in the can. Have a cup of coffee in hand when it breaks today.
Many thanks, Jerry. Lucky me to get material like @mctown & @vaughan lay down. Just gotta ride their wave.
the book was the basis for the paul newman film hud, but the grandpa was the main character in the book. when newman was cast, of course the script was devised to make hud the central character. the title is a biblical passage referring to the four horsemen of the apocalypse, the particular one being pestilence, which in both book and movie is the hoof and mouth disease which destroys grandpas cattle, in my song the title refers to the girls prayer that her husband be spared the pestilence the horseman is bringing, and has a ring to it of the passover signs on the jewish houses when the angel of death killed the first born the pharoah refused to free the jewish slaves.
Jerry, I’ve heard that, too, about mixing in monitors but was never a fan. Besides, if my cats hear me, they will find me in my studio and demand to join in - lol! My dad was a big lover of settling into his recliner with his headphones on listening to his favorite music! Why not give yourself the most immersive experience?
Thanks for travelling "Three Roads Down" with Cindy and me. CIndy puts out some pretty strong lyrics and I'm glad to nab some when I can.
"Screamie Birds 2.0" - love it! Thanks so much for the appreciation!
Thanks for your comment on "Boo Hoo, Baby" — my real name is in my profile description for all to see. 😉 It’s Jenny Selig.
Thanks for your comment on "It's Hard to Start a Fire in the Rain" and my melody skills. Actually, I feel like I struggle with melody. It’s much harder for me than lyrics. So your comment is encouraging.
Hi Jerry, thank you so much for your comments on "Quicksand" I really appreciate it. It's a wonderful feeling when a song comes together as quickly as this one did
Bless you and thank you, Jerry, for the super nice comment about Names On a Wall. Can't wait to dig into your material.
Hi Jerry, the prompt was from skirmish and it's an American spelling of Pyjamas:) Thank you for listening 🎶 and commenting 😀
Jerry, Congrats on your success with Spotify. And thank you so much for your comments on @jeff9's and my collab on Names On A Wall. I thought he did a wonderful job turning my "words on the page" to a beautifully moving song.
Thanks for your kind review of "Impressions". It was a fun write and I'm glad it made a good impression on you.
no change in the technical set up, just singing differently this year, less emotive, more lyrical. the more delicate vocals make the distant echo more prominent. i always use it but it usually gets buried in the loudness.
Hi, thanks for giving my tune a listen. I can see how taking a step back might be needed for your music. We’re pretty steeped in politics here as well, but not to that degree. My wife works closely with campaigns she believes in as a volunteer and is more than a little outspoken. Hard to avoid concerns when there are so many to choose from, and music’s my therapy. 😂
Thanks so much for your kind words on “Breaking!”
Thanks, Jerry, for the welcome and praise on “A Man Like You.” But, you missed my first song. Hopefully, you’ll circle back at some point. Thanks, again. Much appreciated!
Home for 2 weeks then off again!
Highly highly recommend writing a rap song. Thanks for your comment on Barbaric!
Thanks for visiting "A Simple Line" and being so nice, Jerry.
Hey, Dabbler... onward.
Have a great 50/90!
Good to see you again Jerry!
Greetings, Sir Jerry. Have fun!
Hi Jerry, wonderful to hear about your success on Spotify. It wasn't so for me but I'm happy for you :) Have a great 50/90 :)