Slightly Used Heart

by @jerrypettit

Liner Notes

This song is one of my all-time favorites. I don't think I've ever "signified" a song here as a Favorite--seeking more Reviews and all ('cuz I used to think that's so Instagrammy/Facebooky). Well, I'm past that and now I want to indicate this as a Personal Favorite...and I'm discovering I don't know how to do that. :-) I'm going to try that "Feature on Profile" button down there and see if that takes care of it. Meanwhile, Like and Share and tell all your friends about this one. ;-) (Gonna be up on Spotify soon, I'm sure!)

I hope you like it half as much as I do! :-)



Words & Music
Jerry Pettit

yours to take for a ride,
Through the streets of love,
let your conscience be your guide,
Because it has been through its share
of love and of loss,
But it will keep on ticking,
no matter what the cost.

still beating strong and true,
I'm handing it over,
I'm giving it to you.
So let's take a chance,
and see where we can go,
Together we can mend it,
stitch by stitch, I know.

My heart's been around the block
a time or two,
But I believe it's ready
for something fresh and new.
With every painful heartache,
it has grown more wise,
And now it finally sees the world
through different eyes.

There's a beauty in the scars,
a story to be told,
A heart that has been loved,
and a love that has grown old.
But like a Phoenix rising
from the ashes, it flies,
take it to the skies.

still beating strong and true,
I'm handing it over,
I'm giving it to you.
So let's take a chance,
and see where we can go,
Together we can mend it,
stitch by stitch, I know.

So let's walk hand in hand,
in the glow of the moon,
we'll find love anew.
We'll dance under the stars,
let the past fade away,
As we carve a new path,
in this new love we'll create.

still beating strong and true,
I'm handing it over,
I'm giving it to you.
So let's take a chance,
and see where we can go,
Together we can mend it,
stitch by stitch, I know.

© 2024, Jerry Pettit


I love this! ❤️Took me back to the seventies so had a big grin all the way through. Great arrangement, lovely vocals! I love the idea and the poetic lyrics you've woven around it. Something about it reminds me of those passionate French ballad singers whose names escape me at the moment. Great song!
I can see why you have earmarked this one as a contains all the best of a JP composition and then some...
That’s so pretty. It sounds like a song from the 70s (I saw someone mentioned Neil Sedaka.) Indeed, the songs that made it on the radio were so much better and substantial than what’s heard now. Your song has a hopefulness, too.
Interesting percussive part the mando adds in the verses. I'm not a fan of wide-panning (personal thing), Nice overall sound and lots of accent instruments to keep the ears perked up.
Very 'Neil Sedaka'ish with string instruments rather than piano!
The title is a really intriguing turn of phrase, and the stitching metaphor works very well. I like the contrasting panned guitars, and that’s a typically lilting and pretty melody. Well done!
I really like the lyric, it’s a good title to kick it along. I like the mando bumps! Is a lot in here!
Great concept and very cleverly written! The metaphor is carried nicely throughout without being overwrought. Great melody and some nice changes. I agree with @billwhite51 that the arrangement is a bit busy. There are some really nice choices in the arrangement, but such a great melody and lyrics, I think, could benefit from a slightly more stripped back arrangement. I can see why this is a favorite for you!
i would like to hear his song with a less busy arrangement, This one distracts me from the sad, lyrical quality of the lyrics and the charm of the vocals.
It's good to have a favourite song even if it changes as the new favourite comes along :) It's a lovely song, Jerry. Heart-break with Jerry's flavour. Beautiful singing and playing.
This is great! The melody is lovely and the lyrics are top notch. I especially love the stanza that starts with "There's a beauty in the scars." And yes, clicking "feature on profile" should keep it at the top of your song list, and at the very least indicates that that's the one you most want people to pay attention to. Bravo!
I’m amazed at how many heartbreak ruminations you can come up with. And we’re not talking about 2 short verses and a chorus. Nice chord progression. Well done!