We Were Never Really In Love

by @jerrypettit · @billwhite51

Liner Notes

I only rarely do a collaboration around here--I pretty much prefer doing the "whole thing"--although I AM flattered when someone (with better vocals than I) asks to vocally "cover" one of my songs. Hey, and maybe with my deteriorating vocals that will become more common.

But one exception I ALWAYS make is that Bill White and I generally do one collaboration every 50/90 season--and they always come out well. Bill knows I'm a big fan of his always-interesting lyrics (even when I don't completely understand them).

Anyway, this is this year's joint effort and I think it came out pretty well. (And stay tuned tomorrow for one of my more "BeachBoys-esque" attempts!)



Lyrics by Bill White
Music & Vocals by
Jerry Pettit

I woke up one morning
and you were gone
So sad I was tempted
to get my gun out of pawn.
The telephone rang
and I asked you what for.
After we talked
I wasn't sore any more.

Because you cant get to heaven
on the road to hell.
We were riding
on a broken carousel.
We had our kicks,
we had some fun,


I see you're back
with your husband again.
You both look so happy
and i just have to grin.
It's so good in this world
to rebound from mistakes,
Before we run off the road
we can put on the brakes.

Because you cant get to heaven
on the road to hell.
We were riding
on a broken carousel.
We had our kicks,
we had some fun,

It was by accident
that the two of us met,
Like a scene in a dream
I have no regrets.
It was all very harmless
a little bit of fun.

Because you cant get to heaven
on the road to hell.
We were riding
on a broken carousel.
We had our kicks,
we had some fun,

©2024, Bill White & Jerry Pettit


Yes! What a great collab! Fantastic chorus. Dig the arrangement and the vocal delivery and treatment.
I love these lyrics. A weave of good and bad that seems to all work out for everyone in the end. Great concept! Jerry's style is such a perfect fit, and he delivered big time. Fantastic all around! Great collab!
Bill is such an expert at tailoring the lyrics to the artist, and Jerry’s really knocked these out of the park. There’s such a lovely melancholy in your vocal delivery (particularly the phrasing on the hook), that suit the spirit of the words so well. Gorgeous instrumentals too. Oh and I loved the ‘tempted to get my gun out of pawn’ line 😂
I was halfway in before I read the liner notes and realised @billwhite51 had written the words!
Which just goes to show how versatile and talented a writer he is and of course @jerrypettit brings the whole kit and caboodle to the table to make this into an excellent track!
i love this! the line about getting the gun out of pawn got my attention right away, and there were plenty of plot twists to follow, all flowing quite naturally and never forced.

the subtly psychedelic vocals at the chorus kind of reflect that dream state the last verse speaks of, and imbue the song with a memory of that whiff of attraction .
What a classic country-rock vibe. All those wailing and moaning guitars are a great bed for the vivid, razor sharp lyrics.
Two luminary figures in FAWMland. The challenge of interpreting Bill's lyrics is a challenge worth pursuing. And I have to comment that @jerrypettit took the challenge full-on and delivered what I found to be a surprising laid-back track. The payoff from this collaborative effort is hearing the gift of music from two of the best to ever do it. No cap. No smoke-blowing. No bs.
Two luminary figures in FAWMland. The challenge of interpreting Bill's lyrics is a challenge worth pursuing. And I have to comment that @jerrypettit took the challenge full-on and delivered what I found to be a surprising laid-back track. The payoff from this collaborative effort is hearing the gift of music from two of the best to ever do it. No cap. No smoke-blowing. No bs.
I like the laidback aloof delivery, especially the piano running throughout, it fits the content so well, and I do love a good anti-love love song. Lyrically I really the first verse, the whole on the verge of bad decisions to talking through and not being so mad, because you were never really in love, just coming right out with the conclusion on the opening lines. Lots of good lines in this one, and really enjoyed the guitar / pedal steel solo. Nice collab.
Instant classic--feels old and still fresh. You deliver some big time melody that sells they lyric. I don't know whether to buy the denial--in fact, I don't. It's great how you close with that title line. I'll be humming this one for a while
Fantastic lyrics and music. Bill is a great lyricist and you are a great composer. Guys power. Love the nostalgic and moving feel here. Very special song. So melodious, flowing, taking you into the world of love and memories.
excellent collab, somr really good lines! the chorus is great , youll nevet get to heaven....... the steel gives it a real country feel.
This is a wonderful collaboration. Such great lyrics and the music is very cool . The performance is outstanding well done
Wow, what a great collaboration. The lyrics are already outstanding, but the delivery really added some magic to this song! Great job!
Really brilliant lyrics! So many great and clever lines -- the "can't get to heaven on the road to hell" line is an absolute classic. Very cool arrangement, with some very cool rhythmic changes, as well as all of the different musical elements. Wonderful collaboration!
Wow, I am so glad you two are in on the same song! Very different but oh so good!
This is so humanly mysterious. Very harmless and a little bit of fun, but he was ready to get his gun out of pawn - heaven and hell. Maybe the kicker is that they met by accident. Nice work on steel.
nicely done. Lyrics, music and vocals all fit it nicely together.
Very interesting song! The lyrics take you to a place you don’t usually hear in music. The overall feel is fresh. A pleasure to listen to!
Brilliant lyrics! Nice delivery. Impressive collab! I’ve tried doing collabs but I struggle with that. I’m so in the moment, I just do it and see how it comes out. I can’t sing other people’s lyrics. Bravo!