It Just Ain't Like That Any More

by @jerrypettit

Liner Notes

Yee-HAW!!! Some more heartbreak from Jerry today!!!!

I hope you enjoy the song!



Words & Music
Jerry Pettit

Maybe spend too much time
With these thoughts in my mind,
And I know I should share them
With you.
But I know that it would
Cause you pain--that ain't good
'Specially if you feel
The same way too.

I guess time has a way
To show if we should stay,
Or if maybe it's not meant
To be.
So let's sit down and chat,
Try and see where we're at,
Might be time we set
Each other free.

I'm just letting you know,
That I've long loved you so,
But I miss how things were
Like before.
When we'd smile and we'd touch,
Loved each other so much,

At the end of my rope,
But you say you have hope--
That's two viewpoints that
Don't reconcile.
Please don't sit there in tears,
Makes it hard to be clear,
Think we're better apart
For a while.

Wish I knew what to do,
But it just seems we're through,
Those old feelings, I fear,
Have just died.
Yes, those memories are there,
Part of me will still care,
But I just think love ain't
On our side.

I'm just letting you know,
That I've long loved you so,
But I miss how things were
Like before.
When we'd smile and we'd touch,
Loved each other so much,

© 2024, Jerry Pettit


Oh, the internal dialogue and all the damage it can do. I was relieved that the Chorus moved into laying it on the line and saying what's going on. Even though the song doesn't take us all the way there, it feels like there is some possibility of getting over this tough place - or maybe it's just a warning to talk sooner about the little problems before they get too big.
ok Jerry its over we get it ha ha a big song this one - stand out chorus
This country-tinged pop is so gooood! That little upturn in the melody of the chorus is a masterstroke...maybe lyrically and musically up there with your very best?
Peut-être que oui, peut-être que non, mais peut-être!
I like the grandeur to this, a lush 70s-esque feel that sweeps and soars, full of radio-ready hooks and sentiment. It's a grand old pop song, but I actually think it would work swell as a country tune too! :)
You've definitely found your niche in the heartbreak department, Jerry, and ace it each time.
this is a hard-ass, uncompromising break-up song. seems like the girl is still into the guy, but she hasnt got a chance. he is already gone before they even get to the chorus.
This does remind me of the late 70's and high school. It is sad, but so so good!
It's refreshing to hear your music and read your words, cuz so many of the songs today have no feeling, longing, thoughtfulness, love, all very important parts of the journey including reflection. Hey! Another good one. I enjoyed listening.
I love the simple, breathless melody and especially the 1970s studio sound, like trying to fit the Wrecking Crew and Phil Spector into a box bedroom (without the shotgun). Reminded me of pre-Jesus of Cool Nick Lowe ("I love My Label" etc), the Posies and Big Star.
Universal theme. Those words just flow off your tongue. Sounds great in headphones. Especially like the melody of the chorus. Nice drums! Well done!