A Well Worn Path

by @jerrypettit

Liner Notes

No such thing as a bad song in 3/4 time. Always been my philosophy. (So far anyway...) I hope you enjoy this one.



Words & Music
Jerry Pettit

In the quiet of the morning,
with the world so still and vast,
I’m walking down the memory lane,
thinking of the past.
Every step is a story,
every turn a different phase,
On this very well-worn path,
I see the echoes of my days.

With every scar and with every laugh,
I’m writing all the words of my own epitaph.
On this journey of change and growth, I craft,
My life’s story on A WELL WORN PATH.

I’ve found love like fire,
burning bright then turning cold,
I’ve held onto fleeting shadows,
turning silver dreams to gold.
Lessons learned in the heartbeat
of the crowded, lonely streets,
On the well-worn path,
where yesterday and tomorrow meet.

With every scar and with every laugh,
I’m writing all the words of my own epitaph.
On this journey of change and growth, I craft,
My life’s story on A WELL WORN PATH.

And every step that I take
is a note in a song,
In the melody of the well-worn path,
I know that I belong.
With the pain and the joy,
the tears and the smile,
Every mile I’ve walked,
every last mile.

So here I am,
with open heart and open path,
Writing the future,
with lessons from the past.
On this well-worn path,
my journey's not the last,
It's a story only mine,
and it's had an all-star cast.

With every scar and with every laugh,
I’m writing all the words of my own epitaph.
On this journey of change and growth, I craft,
My life’s story on A WELL WORN PATH.

© 2024, Jerry Pettit


Wonderful, intro is so inviting and the rest of song just as good. Liked it very much!
Great intro, gathering itself together very beautiful. This song has that kind of early 70s Beach Boys wistful beauty. One thing that strikes me is just how many words you are cramming into your verses - this kind of music would have made me check my pace, but there's something lovely and appropriate about that urgent delivery against such a forlorn, lushing backing.
Beautiful lush, keys. Such rich emotion in the vocals - delivering these well crafted lyrics and engaging melody. Just wonderful story telling - it sounds like sitting around the fire reminiscing - just letting it all pour out. Well done!!
Wonderful lyrics as per and something of a life-defining epic of a song...you mention 'craft' in the chorus and this is craftsmanship of the highest order!
Great choice of musical style to provide the bed for the great lyrics to sit on. I really like this one. :-)
Good lyric and not to overdone! just a bit more gravel in that vocal delivery today! Nice bit of emotion - yeah good ol 3/4
Wow, his feels so heartfelt. It's both a lovely and hard store of memories - very realistic. The music and vocals are lovely. Kind of got to me as I listened. Beautiful!
I especially like the way the verse rhythm works here. Great idea to set it in 3/4.
Very beautiful song, Jerry. Gorgeous lyrics, music, singing and playing. Everything you create is so superb. A joy to listen to.
A lovely song to get lost in. The music is really lush and I'm very envious of the quality of the lyrics. Great song
Oh wow, this is so big and lush right out of the gate! Gorgeous! Love the tumbling nature of the lyrics and delivery over the 3/4 time, even layering as it goes to the chorus -- works really well. Beautiful arrangement. So many great lines, but I especially love that "I’m writing all the words of my own epitaph" line and "where yesterday and tomorrow meet." The repeated lyrical invocation of the well-worn path also really works beautifully.
Oh, my, this works so well, Jerry. That chorus is simply superb--the lyrics are just perfect. Something about the vibe here has a Brian Wilson feel to it and that's no small feat. Wonderful--going back for more!
Big sound, right out of the gate. This isn't afraid to blow its own trumpet, and do so loudly. Love that chorus; lyrics are very proggy!
Brilliant lyrics! Let’s just get that right - lol! Wasn’t even aware of the time signature.
the song is so fluid and filled with emotional crescendos that i am not even aware of the time signature. its a bubble bath of romantic nostalgia and I dig it.