






  • Sussex UK
[edit: I should probably say it somewhere: I'm not a very accomplished performer so assume most if not all of the instruments on these tracks are faked with piano roll and plug-ins.Even when there's recorded signal, it is usually chopped, stretched, tuned and pasted to the limit.]

I've not really done much songwriting in the past few months, but maybe I'll do some now. I'm feeling a bit used up, but then sometimes that produces the most music.

I've been listening to more records recently, which has been nice.

I am toying with the idea of using fewer fake instruments than usual, in order to be more "grounded". We'll see how long that lasts...

[note to self: Titular suggested (or *suggested very similar) "Burn The Female"; "Only Christmas"; "If You Don't Forgive"; "Japanese Virgin Knights" (solid band name!); "We Are The Teenagers"; "Goodnight (gentle)"; *"Don't Fix Me Now"; "An Ode"; *"The Right Wrong Time"; "Ladies Without Roses"; *"Messiah, Moi?"; "Bethlehem Shuffle"; *"A Little Light Pollution"; "Missed A Bit"; "Peaches & Braids"; "Landslide in Me"; "I Feel Weird"; *"English Friendship"; *"Zephyr Falls"; "I Am Your Girlfriend"; "Leave To The Tides"; "Lock Me Up"; *"Gum Butcher"; *"Dear Idiot"



I'm having a little bit of a late 5090 surge. After feeling somewhat absent for the first two weeks, but now my kids are back in high school and college, so I'm spending days with myself. I've realized if I just push something out most days, I might even be able to hit 50. So suddenly all the things I've started since July feel like things I can spend another hour on and push on out there. The thing with being a generator - of ideas and starts of projects, is it's easy to beat myself up for all the things I've imagined but haven't finished....That makes life truly unbearable, so I'm working on thinking of stuff like that with different labels "Gifts I'd love to give myself" "If I had an hour, I'd love to" "Possibilities" that sort of thing. Definitely don't let anything you ever get from me weigh you down with a sense of dread or obligation. For me we've already created those songs just by imagining them....getting a recording is just a technicality....
Hi! Thanks so much for your thoughtful and encouraging comment on "Subway Weather" -- I really enjoyed reading it. And no worries about reciprocating or not. Everyone is doing what they have time and energy to do. :) I often think about my mortality on the subway -- elevated lines and underground tunnels feel as unnatural as flying to me. Glad I could get it into a song.
Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment, much appreciated. As they say life is often stranger than fiction, the lyric is based around an actual conversation between my aged Aunt and her long term partner during a lapse into Alzhiemers.
Thanks for your detailed comments on "The Leatherman"!

In terms of my repeated comments that this wasn't meant to be humorous: sorry, I probably went overboard, but probably literally 95% of the couple hundred songs I've written for FAWM and 50/90 over the last 11 years have been humorous or silly or ironic or "winking" or some such, so on the very rare occasions when I do something that is meant to be serious, I get worried about managing the listener's expectations, so to speak. I know it's unnecessary and certainly no one has ever given me a hard time; I should just let the music speak for itself. It's probably insecurity speaking when I attempt something that's *not* a joke!
Thank you for the kind words, sir. I actually listened to Got to get you into my life as a reference for the arrangement on that one, although not sure I really capture the spirit of it. But it’s always good to get a Macca mention - I hoard them like pathetic children’s trinkets in my songwriting mind palace. Very much looking forward to that power pop one you mentioned the other day…
No, not really .. I like the creative cooperative process... to be honest, I can put a melody to something, but I find others can do a better job of it. Sometimes I write a lyric by banging out a dummy melody of sorts.
2024 hey to you... Cheers..