Summer Lightning

by @jerrypettit

Liner Notes

And so it begins.

A little confession: Just like last summer, I knew I was going to be "off territory" a bit during the summer--and this year especially in September--so I've "cheated" a little putting some songs "in the can" early to be able to post when I'm not home at my computer. Last summer, some of you might recall, I did a few "Christmas songs". [Cough, cough...] Thank you for your kind words and Lord, please forgive me...

And while "Heartbreak Is My Brand™" still--I'm already seeing that two of my dear Facebook Friends, Bill & Georgie @billwhite51 and @jibbidy34 --have already posted songs I can never hope to surpass, inspired, I suspect by challenges they've had themselves this last year. Love them both, and I dedicate this first song to the two of them... ❤️



Words & Music
Jerry Pettit

Flashback to the start--
we were wild, we were free,
In the heat of the night,
you were all that I could see.
Electric touch, in the rush,
we were riding on the high,
SUMMER LIGHTNING in our skies,
in the blinking of an eye.

But seasons turn
and fires burn to embers,
With every kiss,
you're the one that I remember.
Caught in a storm,
but it felt like a dream,
Can't forget when you were
my summer queen.

Like SUMMER LIGHTNING, quick and bright,
Lit up my world, then vanished in the night.
Oh, fleeting heart, caught in the rain,
Chasing the spark, trying to capture the flame.
SUMMER LIGHTNING, beautiful, blinding,
In the silence after, I'm still finding
Echoes of you, echoes of us,
In the SUMMER LIGHTNING, we thought love endless.

Dancing shadows,
under moonlit whispers,
Temporary bliss in the mist,
we were drifters.
Time stood still,
yet it slipped through our fingers,
With the storm you were gone,
but the memory lingers.

If I could,
I'd freeze the frame,
Hold onto the light,
keep calling your name.
But love, like lightning,
strikes once, they say,
In the heart of the storm,
did we lose our way?

Like SUMMER LIGHTNING, quick and bright,
Lit up my world, then vanished in the night.
Oh, fleeting heart, caught in the rain,
Chasing the spark, trying to capture the flame.
SUMMER LIGHTNING, beautiful, blinding,
In the silence after, I'm still finding
Echoes of you, echoes of us,
In the SUMMER LIGHTNING, we thought love endless.

© 2024, Jerry Pettit


This is a really good one. I love the way it swings along. The melody really hits for me, what else to say. Given my personal sensibilities, this is probably my fav among your excellent songs that I've heard
I dig the vocal fx; its retro-modern to my ears and they give the track a unique feel against the music style. Great melody, too. Whole track is a toe-tapper swayer with a nice bit of twang, but not too much.
Oooof...these lyrics - they stuck themselves onto personal memories of my own 'summer lightning'... Great lyrics.
Nice, starting with lightning sounds. The song thunders on afterwards!
Really excellent lyric writing, and the "summer lightning" concept is so good. You wrote so well around the theme - especially the chorus - and musically also captured this fleeting kind of love.
Love this title and concept. That fourth verse is some really damn fine lyric writing. I'm so envious. The musical energy is lovely & infectious and your singing is as buttery smooth as ever.
Love the title and concept you’re working with here. Nice, buoyant energy.
Off to a lightning start then Jerry? Pure Pop for Now People was a phrase used by Nick Lowe some time ago and people, it popped purely into my head just now to describe my reaction to this joyous noise that covers the tragic with magic...
Another classic bouncy ballad from the master of romantic songs.
Well done!!
Sweet summertime groove, and makes me nostalgic in a nice bittersweet way for summer flings past. Wonderful vocals, too!
beauty for a starter mate. so Jerry! but musically a little different! you've got a lot going here in both my ears! onwards brother
Great listen! Well done all around!
Aww Jerry! How sweet of you to dedicate your first song to @billwhite51 and I. This song is full of luscious rhymes and romance. It takes first love nostalgia and gives it a time machine. Very nice
Jerry, you are still the reigning master of the romantic ballad. Your lyrics are universal and can be applied to so many situations. And the music flows like a breeze. so good to see you back for another season of song.
Another great song, Jerry. Let's hope lighting continues to strike and you send more music our way.
Beautiful. nostalgic, sweet song. Beautiful thunder effects, singing, playing and story telling. A pleasure to listen to.
This is a delightfully sunny pop song for a lyric about summer lightning! I enjoy the gentle harmonies and the bounce to the lyric.
Awesome opening with that lightning. Lyrics well done. Nice memories! Longing…
Nope. Call the cops! Cheating cheetah!!! Lol I use the first chunk of the summer to finish stuff I’ve been working on in between FAWM and now. Collecting ideas always and working with the pieces during this wonderful thing we doing.

Jokes and confessions aside,
Very lovely tune with a lot of movement and the harmonica really does it for me!