Don't It Hurt

by @jerrypettit

Liner Notes

Strange story behind this one--which was actually written in 2023. My "process" is to write the lyrics first, based on Titles I will have collected in a spreadsheet. So I write 50 sets of lyrics for 50/90 and then, eventually, set them to music.

Last summer, I forgot to delete the title "Don't It Hurt" after I had written the lyrics, and a couple of months later I wrote ANOTHER song with the same title and didn't notice until another month had passed. (Sigh...I'm getting old). Version 2 wasn't that good, so here you go with Version 1.

I hope you enjoy the song!



Words & Music
Jerry Pettit

DON'T IT HURT, to see
the whole world fallin' apart?
People lost in the darkness,
everyone with broken hearts.
Meanwhile here we are just tryin'
to make it through the night.
Why does every step we take
feel like there's gonna be a fight.

DON'T IT HURT to see the ones
that you love sit and cry?
While we watch, we feel helpless
and and it's so hard to know why.
We're all here in this world
just lookin' for some peace of mind,
And all too often, tryin' to find it
--well, it's just so hard to find.

DON'T IT HURT to see the children
begging in the streets
With nothin' but their hunger,
and their clothes just dirty sheets.
We all seem without a purpose,
and just livin' day to day,
And every time we turn around,
we see we've only lost our way.


DON'T IT HURT to see the ones
that you love sit and cry?
While we watch, we feel helpless
and and it's so hard to know why.
We're all here in this world
just lookin' for some peace of mind,
And all too often, tryin' to find it
--well, it's just so hard to find.

There's a darkness in this world,
and it's one we can't ignore.
But we can't give it all up yet,
no we've got to fight for more.
DON'T IT HURT, to see the pain
in another person's eyes.
Share their feelings of aloneness,
like there's nothin' left to try.

DON'T IT HURT to see the ones
that you love sit and cry?
While we watch, we feel helpless
and and it's so hard to know why.
We're all here in this world
just lookin' for some peace of mind,
And all too often, tryin' to find it
--well, it's just so hard to find.

© 2024, Jerry Pettit


Great idea to keep a list of titles and go from there. I also write my lyrics first. I find creating a backing track much easier when I'm wrapping the instrumentation around my vocals. Nice song!
we all are Jerry . I read a lyric the other day which i have no recollection of but apparently i wrote it for someone! crikey the real Jerry i know has re appeared! This is top stuff mate! beautiful tie up! keep up the fight!
Wise words. Very powerful. Good sounding tune. Really enjoyed hearing. I am glad I'm not alone in some of my thoughts, that you have eloquently articulated.
Bam! So much truth and done with such perfection! Love the guitar solo. Brilliant!
Sadly just as relevant as it was last year, I think you’ve captured something incredibly relatable in the lyrics. Love the uplift into the chorus and, of course, the screaming guitar work! Great track!
Very beautiful and poignant song with deep lyrics and gorgeous music. Your singing and playing are superb, as I came to expect from you. Strong and powerful feel, Love it.
Great song title - and these lyrics just reach out and grab me - so very relatable and show beautiful perspective taking and empathy. This lyric "We're all here in this world just lookin' for some peace of mind" is so powerful to me and also such a struggle. Finding peace in our little corner of the world knowing how much suffering there is around us - both near and far - seems both challenging and wrong on some level, but also so very human. Fabulous lyrics and what you did musically makes them resonate even more. What a song!
this is a powerful piece of social protest, infused wuth a humanism that supresses the inherent cynicism, the music and vocals are a perfect fit for this assembledge of human setbacks in the modern world. another jerry pettit favorite!