Names On a Wall

by @jeff9 · @greengrassgirl

Liner Notes

#americana #war #vietnam
My talented lyricist friend Patty won the most recent monthly lyric contest on The Muse Songwriters Forum with this vignette of a Vietnam war vet visiting the memorial wall. Being of an age where I only barely missed being over there myself, it just pierced my heart. So I asked her if I might tackle putting it to music for 50/90. It was quite an emotional experience to sing it.

Note: A "Zippo tank" was a name for one that had flame-thrower capability.


Names On A Wall
Music - Jeff Walker
Lyrics - Patty Lakamp @greengrassgirl

I carry ‘round a bullet from a war long ago
Buried in my leg below the knee
Now and then it rants about the ghastliness of man
Other times it doesn’t bother me

I want to think it mattered, all the blood that was spilled
That war and the war it caused at home
Every time my leg cries out, it takes me back again
The battlefield embedded in my bones

Our war in the jungle
Rotten from the first
Feels like the whole damn thing was cursed

Fresh out of high school 
            (Answered the call) 
Sent to da Nang 
            (Into the brawl) 
Drove a Zippo tank
            (A screaming fireball)
So much bloodshed 
             (And then the withdrawal) 
Our national nightmare
             (The hell of it all)
Names on a wall
Names on a wall

Our country turned its back and left us sucking the mop
Strangers cursed us out and called us scum
Now we have a wall that lists the names of the dead
From the war that blew us all to kingdom come

Fresh out of high school 
            (Answered the call) 
Sent to da Nang 
            (Into the brawl) 
Drove a Zippo tank
            (A screaming fireball)
So much bloodshed 
           (And then the withdrawal) 
Our national nightmare
           (The hell of it all)
Names on a wall
Names on a wall

I touch that black granite and I’m back in ‘Nam
The jungle, the guns and the blood
The battles still raging inside of me 
In my head, my heart and my knee

Repeat Chorus


This song is beautiful, though a bit hard to listen to. I love Jeff's voice! Great lyrical storytelling and an excellent collab!
Such a beautiful song about such a sad topic. I feel it, the stupidity of war...
Such beautiful story telling, compassion, understanding and insight in these lyrics! The melody and tender, emotive vocals really bring these lyrics to life. The chorus structure is great - with the call and response - and the musical treatment is perfect! I especially like how the title line is sung. Oh wow the bridge is so good. Great instrumental track also - love all those guitars. What a special song, and a wonderful collab!
Wow, what a song! It just grabs you and doesn’t let go. The lyric is got wrenching and beautiful.
This is so powerful! The lyrics are amazing. Fantastic collaboration!

I grew up with our national nightmare: I was in college when the war ended. On my first visit to the Wall, I sobbed uncontrollably as I walked along that interminable list of names.
Thanks for letting us know of your personal connection to this lyric -- it definitely comes through the performance. The vocal echoes are effective when they come in I agree that "battlefield embedded in my bones" is a standout lyric, too. Very nice collab!
Great lyrics - I really love the beginning, especially "The battlefield embedded in my bones." The music fits so well, and to me it seems to convey a sad weariness, somewhat haunted. Love it. Great collab!
Beautiful, haunting lyrics. The vocals are delivered so believably, with appropriate weariness. Love the guitars and ambiance of the song!
Love the slinky groove on this. Cool guitar too. I really liked the call- response of the chorus in the lyric contest. Great music to do this powerful lyric justice. Nice job Patty & Jeff!
Excellent job all around... Reminds me of the time. I didn't deferment ..and then the lottery.. but the war had subsided.. Have heard many stories .. been to the wall. Excellent song and lyric.
Whoa, super strong work here, so haunting and filled with echoes.
Great lyrics and music, very powerful and coming from your hearts. Fantastic singing and playing. Truly amazing collaboration. Your song should be on radio. Very moving!
Well, this stopped me in my tracks.
What a great collaboration - wonderful lyrics, and performed as if the Jeff experienced every painful moment.
The production had a feel to it (maybe the reverb used..idk) but it all fit together so well.
Thank you both 🎶
What a powerful soldier's lament. Brilliant lyrics, and the music and vocals convey perfectly the image of an old soldier alone with his memories. You hear soldiers speak of how quickly a sound, or just a word, can take them instantly back to the battlefield, and this creates a specific image with the bullet in his leg; flashbacks come "Every time my leg cries out." It's easy to see how these lyrics won an award Patty!
Painful and powerful. Wow. My parents were the Vietnam generation, and my high-school teachers talked a lot about the war (which ended when I was three years old). But this gives a whole new perspective on it. Amazing lyrics, stunning music. This will echo in my head all day today.
A fantastic write about the ugliness and costs of war (Vietnam in particular) with a personal touching nature. Beautiful performance. A powerful song all around!
Woah, this is incredible, both lyrically (award well-deserved, Patty!) and musically. That bullet in the leg opener is like the start of a really great novel, immediately pulls you in. The ghostly call and response in the chorus is amazing. Love the sloping cowboy americana vibe from Jeff, it works so well with the words. And you can really feel you're putting your heart and soul into the vocal. One of my favourite songs growing up was Goodnight Saigon by Billy Joel (although at the time I didn't really understand what it was about!). This is right up there with that kind of thing. Brilliant work all round.
I joined the military in 1976. So, I barely missed it too. It's songs like these that help people understand war and what it costs. Thank you for keeping it in the conversation. Great work!!
Patty's tenderly written lyrics have a real sting to them as well deep empathy and I can't imagine a better take on them than Jeff's...a total work of brilliant and important sheer artistry...
Brilliant! I remember that era well. I signed up to write to several military men stationed there when I was in high school. I’ll never forget the time years later I flew over Viet Nam on my way to Bangkok. Younger people think nothing of traveling there, but, for me, seeing it from the sky was surreal.
And this is why I follow Jeff and Patty! The lyrics carry the story with a combination of regret and sensitivity and the music captures it all.
one of the strongest vietnam songs i have heard. patty's lyric tells it all, and i believe in jeff as the one who is remembering it with every syllable he sings. i love the choice of using a vocal effect on every other line of the chorus. it seems like a memory device. i lucked out on the lottery draw and wasnt called to go. i did visit the wall in DC and it was a powerful experience. I cant even imagine how it affected those who did go and lost some of their friends there,..but the song goes a long way towards putting us in their shoes.
Ah, one of my favorite lyricists AND one of my favorite vocalists--a great way to start off 50/90! Terrific collaboration, you two!
WOW! What a great, powerful song. Great collab. Tow Thumbs up! :)