Lunar Sea

by @headfirstonly Mod

Challenge: Moon Echo
Lunar Sea

Liner Notes

Here's my first play with Hainbach's wonderful plugin that kicked off the #moonecho challenge. I suspect that it won't be the last. I'm playing #chapmanstick and #warrguitar plus a bunch of synth plugins (Serum, Generate, Pigments, Rise and Hit) plus my trusty Korg Wavestate.


Fine choice of sounds. I like how you control the apparent distance of the instruments from the listener.
2 listens. Headphones only. Interesting progression(s) and sounds. I don't think I could replicate this, but I would be interested in doing something like this moonecho challenge. Once again you've given me much to ponder about arrangement. I've got a ways to go...
Fascinating piece and production. It is so clear you had fun creating it. A wonderful work.
Very Atmospheric.
The lush reverb and delays fliat on by.
That chapmanstick sounds great.
This has great movement and some what sinister! I like that delay reverbie be expected considering it has made a round trip of 768,000 kms . Love the static at the end. Cool Chris
This is a gorgeous piece of music, but at the rist of repeating myself: your production skills really jumped a few levels this year, Chris. The use of the stereo field here is just spendid. nothing is getting in the way of anything, and there is drama in the mix.
Awesome open. Stoic. Hints of Asia and the Moon. That kalimba sound is cool. Nice plodding moving, too light to be trudging, just before the Chapman takes over, into a sweep and then chill. Lots of “moments.” Interesting ascent at the end.
Gorgeous! So mysterious and vast! So good, and I love that outro.
Definitely evokes a lunar/space vibe. I like the plinky bell-like instrument and the fabulously thick guitar! Also the Chapman stick and the squidgy synths. It really does all sound like a lunar sea.
The piece conveys a feeling of space and weightlessness!
In between, sequences that sound like raindrops!
I also really like the nice long fadeout!
Wonderful piece of music!
That echo plugin is marvellous. I feel like I'm off for a swim in the Sea of Tranquility here.
Gosh, I surely do love the sound of the Chapman Stick.
I'm liking the weird Gamelan-type bit in there.
Yup, this is exactly my kind of thing.
So lush and full-sounding.
Yeah, I totally loved this whole tune.
Great ending.
Really interesting piece of music. Loving the dissonance you have in places that I assume is from the Moon Echo's frequency shifting (reminds me of the Bode). The ending is pretty cool, too.
I know of the Camel Song with the same name, this is quite different, but very satisfying to my ears as well. Always a fan of a chapmanstick, great instrument!
How do you like Serum? Many producers on Sonic Academy use that. Quite surreal yet powerful sounds here. Nice echo effects.