July 18 12PM GMT

Moon Echo

German synthesizer wizard Hainbach spent the last two years developing a plugin based on the way that the physics of bouncing radio waves off the Moon can distort audio signals. It does crazy things to sound. The plugin even has a button which will update the processing with information from NASA about the exact current position and orientation of the Moon (it's libration, baby!)

Pauline Oliveros (of Deep Listening fame—and you should totally check out that rabbit hole, too) used the technique on a recording called "Echoes from the Moon" in 1987. Now you can too, and for free. Giant radio telescope not required.

You can download the plugin at https://www.audiothing.net/effects/moon-echo/

If you use it on a song, please select "Moon Echo" from the "weekly challenge" drop-down box (just underneath the "lyrics" text box) when you submit your song. Please also tag it with #moonecho so we can all enjoy the lunar audio goodness!

Started .

Yeah I'm doing this, no doubt about it. 😄
This is cool. But which recording software does this plugin work with?
@wylddandelyon it appears to be available as a VST, which means it should work with most DAWs.
This is also available for free on iOS. I plan on using it in my first track this year, coming soon 😀
it worked with garage band! this is so freaking fascinating.
downloaded...looking forward to messing with this!
So if you record a raw vocal/track, then bounce it with the plugin applied at different points in time, you’ll get an infinite number of variations on the same theme? That’s pretty cool.