






  • Helsinki, Finland
This (2024) is my first 5090.
I am a bass player and wanting to learn to make rock songs.
I truly suck in singing, but this time give no mercy to myself as also singing is
needed for demos.
We have a brand new band Freidog, but that's another story and
we will hear about that later.



Hey @villedog just heard your collab with andrea - Never Free - WoW! Great work loved the whole package! The song screams off the line and never stops!

Any interest in another collab? I have a lyric called "Broken Down"


I think you would crush it! Let me know what you think. I know time is tight as the season is winding down and if you can't, I understand 100%... KC
Thank you, I am glad you liked my collaboration on the song "My Heart is Burning". I enjoyed the lyrics and when I write the music and sing, I try to relate to the words and dig down to my experience to bring out the best in the songs. I am old and retired, but I have worked a 9 to 5 job to make ends meet. And can relate to the lyrics.
I am digging your music. I would be happy to send some lyrics, although I don't have any freshly written at the moment. You can send me a track or two if you like, and I will try to write something to it. LMK your preference :)
No word back from him yet.
Hmm... as you know.. I write lyrics and thrust them out into the world for others to use. If you want to give one a go... let me know. mctownmusic@gmail.com mctown David
Hi again! I owe you a song, I've just been so busy. I will get to it soon. But also -- thanks for commenting so kindly on "Misty Light's Alive." Looking forward to sending you more on our collab!
Thanks for your comment on "Puddles of Cat" — you’re too kind, but also made my day. 😉 Here’s to our animal friends!