Basic F Superstar

by @villedog

Basic F Superstar

Liner Notes

I got an inspiration from an earlier fawm song Riikka, made by @lamerabbit
This is highly #political and about the far right.



You sit in the parliament, how do you feel
You suck in the parliament, how do you sleep
You hate in the parliament, how do you love
How do you love
How do you love

Based on fear and based on hate
Based on egoism, and you just don't care
A new dictionary for the truth
A new level of being indifferent

You sit in the parliament, how do you feel
You suck in the parliament, how do you sleep
You hate in the parliament, how do you love
How do you love
How do you love


I love that line “how do you love,” it’s so interesting! It feels like a nod to how hate movements can consume people and even isolate people from their friends and families, I don’t know if that’s what you’re hinting at but it’s a provocative line regardless. I love the vocals in the chorus too with the backup vocals
Great punk roots. I like the energy!
Yeah, totally feel that. Sometimes it surprises me that people like that have a family. Like the little solo in the middle.
Man what a rocking song. I'm guessing you must be from england. We just don't have Parliament here in the US. Great Rock in tune really appreciate it.