






  • Papua New Guinea

Great to be hear!



Thank you for the supportive words on "Grievance."
Thanks for the kind words! To answer your question, I made the song using live coding, which basically is writing code to direct which samples and synths should play at which time and with which effects. It's neat because you can really quickly create something that never repeats itself at any strange time signature, or you can let it play the kalimba at hyper speeds. The language is called TidalCycles, in case you'd want to give it a try :)
Thank you for listening, I am glad you like the Jazz Honky Tonk Man. This is a song about Neil's father and mother. I am glad you liked it and I hope that he does too. In some of my songs, I use AI voices, in this one it's me. When you hear a female voice, it's AI. I play several instruments but I have used Audacity and several other software to create this music. I wrote the score for this song and assigned the instrument to play it for me and then I sang the song into the computer. By the time I have a finished project, it take 6 sets of software to complete and master it. including adobi pro.
Hey, thanks for listening and the comment on my latest song „Haze & Clouds“. I appreciate that.
I really like your Songs and your style. That’s mpressive. Looking forward to more.
Very grateful for your encouraging comments about Girl, Thank Me. I should confess that the guitar lead is all Band In a Box. My guitar chops are way too unpolished to pull that off.
... and for the comment on "Save Me" 🙏
There's something about working with others' lyrics that leads you down paths less-trodden and an unjustified tension to do them justice.
Thanks for the comment (on Alternate-S P). 🙏
Lyrics had that lazy make-it-up-as-you-go-along-to-fit-in style; often happens when I do music-first! As such, not sure I sang the same words across multiple takes so it went a bit mumbly.
Thank you for your nice comment on my music sketch. Mr. Rogers had his own children's show that is very popular in America. On the show, there is a painting which turned to a tv and it often played videos on how things were made.
Thx for comments on 'What Will You Do.'
I'm open to any comments on the songs for the musical. I visited Lead, South Dakota for 'Neutrino Day' in July to get background on the mine/lab. Fascinating, and it launched me on a Physics study binge.
I've got no Broadway aspirations, but would like to write the musical for high school production. I'll be approaching a community theatre this fall for input.
Hey - so happy to be finding your music. Thanks so much for listening to the ones I did with Jenny and Jeff. I saw you said something about lyrics being the hard part for you. That's definitely my easy piece, always happy to write a draft, or rewrite a draft, or add a section, or whatever.
I greatly appreciate your kind words on Dying Flame. Life needs to chill for sure! 🤣
Thanks for the comments on 'Wow' - I will probably have a go at adding the other lines at some point and see what it sounds like. Lets hope nothing worse happens that I feel the need to include 😬