Out Of The Trap

by @chimpkin

Liner Notes


This one was a bit of a slog - it was meant to be a quick song! I think the guide drums I used to record the skeleton of the track had an odd timing which meant the start of each section was off-time. I ended up rerecording it all to fix that.

Not sure exactly what it's about, lyrics usually come second for me so just I have something to sing. I should probably think more about the words... That can be my next challenge - focus on the lyrics. Write something meaningful, that resonates with listeners.

Guess you could say this is about remaining friends, or at least being amicable.

I like the middle 8 melody line - it feels different to what I would usually write. This may be because it was written quickly just to have one. I'll have to adopt that approach some more; think about the words, go with the flow on the music.


If I sound dumb it’s not the rum
Crawl to the shore
Reach out for more

Out of the trap
The finish line looks distant
But it still remains consistent
And it’s just
One more lap
We go around again and
get so dizzy that we can’t walk straight

Don’t say to me (repeat)
We can still be the friends
That you want in the end
We can ride on the bus
To the very last stop
But we can’t even start if we don’t have the end in mind

Through fire and rum
The old die young
Carve out a hole
Watch the world roll

Out of the trap
The finish line looks distant
But it still remains consistent
And it’s just
One more lap
We go around again and
get so dizzy that we can’t walk straight

Don’t say to me (repeat)
We can still be the friends
That you want in the end
We can ride on the bus
To the very last stop
But we can’t even start if we don’t have the end in mind

Given all the time it took
Escaped your hook
Landed back on solid ground
Give a man a rock to throw
It starts out slow
And builds to a cruel crescendo

Don’t say to me (repeat)
We can still be the friends
That you want in the end
We can ride on the bus
To the very last stop
But we can’t even start if we don’t have the end in mind


I love the change of pace in the pre-chorus; works so well. The middle 8 definitely gives a nice contrast to the melodies elsewhere in the song. Really enjoyed the arrangement and the vocals.
When the music feels this good, the lyrics might not matter much...Makes me think of the way I loved songs in the 90s - it was the music that really grabbed me and held me, and that made me love the lyrics. I think these lyrics work like that - they make sense without getting in the way of the music...But there's something to go back and dig into after listening to it lots of times....And there is this dizziness that is like what it feels like when someone says "We can still be friends" That disorientedness of the music suddenly makes so much sense with the lyrics by the last two choruses and the middle 8
well this jumps out of the blocks! lots of energy even though the pace us not quick! lovely change up! very cool song!
That's a catchy chorus! I was bopping along, and I like the lyrics, too. Really solid song and demo track!
Very pleasant and powerful. Love the 'distant' and 'go around' twinkle. Cruel crescendo an interesting phrase. Super catchy.