Inclement Me

by @chimpkin

Liner Notes


I was playing with chord variations I don't usually use and put together some progressions that sounded interesting to me. The melody was built in tandem with the chords and came together fairly quickly. The trouble came when I wanted to expand on the melody and spent a fair while trying to get the chorus to go in a more interesting direction in the second half of it. I never got there and settled on what I have... for now. If the song stays around I may revisit and push the chorus more. For now it's another song that I struggle to sing and requires the attention of Melodyne.

(Footnote to explore adding a middle 8.)

Lyrically, I got stuck on the phrase "want to stay innocent" as I randomly sang it over the initial chord progression to find the melody. I'm not exactly sure what it means, but continued on with a song about complicated love between consenting adults. If you know the answer, write your answers on the back of a stamped-addressed envelope and send it to NW1 8TQ.


Want to stay innocent
Want to stop loving you again
Want everyone to believe it’s your choice

Want to stay innocent
Want to stop loving you again
Want everything to feel like us

On a summer’s day
All false bravado
All of those lies that I fed you
I will be missing you forever now, forever…

It could be the reason why I love you
The way the sun shines from your eyes casts a rainbow
It could the reason why I need you
When I feel you next to me it melts the world

Want to stay ignorant
Want to start loving you again
Want everyone to know that I love you

Want to stay immanent
Want to start loving you again
Want every moment to be us

On a summer’s day
All (that) false bravado
All of those lies you knew weren’t true
I will be missing you forever now, forever…

It could be the reason why I love you
close my eyes and make it believe you’re true
It could the reason why I need you
Jealousy set me free tomorrow


If you told me Brian Wilson had a big hand in this I wouldn't have flinched. It's an absolute aural joy from start to finish. The emotional complications of the lyrics just make it feel even more artistic than a simple, but marvelous sounding pop song. Bravo!
Wow! I just started doing the "competitions" here in 2017 myself--and I don't think I've ever come across your stuff before. And this is just great! Wonderful lyrics and wonderful music! ❤️
This one's worth keeping around, I reckon. Vocals have that perfect smooth pop / easy listening cadence; oh, to be able to sing like that, Melodyne or not!
If I knew the answers I’d make a million mate! It was worth the time you spent, it’s come together so well. It’s like a painting you need a few looks/listens to take all this in! A very complete song!
I think you did this very well. I liked the way the music flows and the vocals are done well, too.
That chorus flowed in a (pleasantly) unexpected way. The melody was very well placed. I want Christmas songs in this style! 😆