Walking the Sands **UPDATED**

by @nahlej381 · @cts · @splittybooms · @gm7 · @djtjb · @megamind

Liner Notes

#megamind #needsvocals #collab #spacefunk #hiphop

now with jelly...the way god intended.


Monuments and artifacts rarely seen while driving Cadillacs
With cataract style lenses

Pacing while facing event-level erasing of thought cycles defacing what is already made plain

Walking in circles of parables and variables of themes in my dreams
In my dreams...


Beautiful sounds and collaboration. You transported me somewhere, definitely to another planet where the world is still a complex of different emotions where happiness and relaxation are connected with tension and sadness, light and darkness, fulfilment and wanting something which is possible but needs to be reached for, there are answers but also questions. Truly fascinating experience. Fantastic collaboration. Love it.
It amazes me how the synergy between us continues to expand. Our “sound” is almost otherworldly at times. I mean - it’s distinctive. This arrangement is a testament to what shared, mutual respect for each individual’s gifts sounds like. Thanks for letting me be a part of this.
Awesome jelly, as always. ❤️
UUUUUGGGGHHHH HOW IS THIS SO GOOD???!! (I guess cuz y'all are mega talented or something, obvs.) The seamless transition of beats and grooves -- it's so atmospheric, but dynamic. Love those shuffling beats, those flourishes of synth and that angular guitar. The spare but effective use of vocals with the "aaaahs" hovering in the beginning and toward the end and the main lyrical breakdown -- so good! Such a clever and effective inversion of an expected song structure. This is one of the coolest tracks I've heard this 50/90 -- great work, all!
mega master mixer arranger...love what you did and The Jelly factor is just what it needed.
Love this collab -- really solid. I like the measured, smooth tones of the vocals, and that background vocal sample/riff is great.
Very good music. Great to listen to.
usually it is the lyrics that give form to musical explorarions, but with you guys it is the beat, taking hiphop to places it has never been.
wow its a quintet! what a cool piece! no idea who did what but whatever they did it well,just wanted it to keep going.