Offog: One

by @jtsteam

Offog: One

Liner Notes

This is a much abridged retelling in #ukulele #folk #filk of Eric Frank Russell's Hugo Award winning short story "Allamagoosa". If you don't know the story, this contains spoilers, but you'll probably also see what's coming a mile off anyway, like any good shaggy dog story...

I just thought it'd be fun to try to retell it in song :).



We were [D]taking the inventory, while [Bm]waiting at the dock
[D]Ticking off the entries to the [G]ticking of the [A]clock
[G]Everything was [D]present, we could [G]soon be moving [D]on
Till we [G]came up to the [Bm]entry reading "[D]Off[A]og: [D]One"

Has [D]anybody seen it, have we [Bm]got one any more?
And can [D]anybody tell me what an [G]offog might be [A]for?
We'd [G]better find the [D]offog and we'd [G]better find it [D]fast
The [G]auditor is [Bm]coming and you [D]know he's [A]going to [D]ask

The [G]offog was [D]signed for when we [A]all checked [Bm]in
And [G]no-one's sold an [D]offog or [A]thrown one in the bin
I [G]don't know what an [D]offog is, I [F#7]haven't got a [Bm]clue
But we'd [Bm]better have an [G]offog when the [D]audi[A]tor is [D]due

Well it [D]should be in the galley, listed [Bm]with the pots and pans
In the [D]cupboard with the rations, is it [G]there behind the [A]cans?
We could [G]simplify the [D]task and we could [G]get on with our [D]jobs
If a [G]member of the [Bm]crew could tell us [D]what an [A]offog [D]was

We've ac[D]counted for the radios, the [Bm]navigation aids
[D]Speakers and transceivers, every [G]light on each dis[A]play
We've [G]even got the [D]harness and the [G]collar for the [D]pet
But the [G]offog is the [Bm]only thing we [D]haven't [A]crossed off [D]yet

How [G]did we do with[D]out it, how [A]was the offog [Bm]missed?
We've [G]got to have an [D]offog cause I [A]see it on the list
I [G]don't know where to [D]buy one, I don't [F#7]see it in [Bm]supplies
But we'd [Bm]better have an [G]offog when the [D]audi[A]tor ar[D]rives

So [D]someone volunteered, or at [Bm]least was voluntold
To [D]come up with an offog that would [G]bring us up to [A]code
And our [G]canine mascot [D]Peaslake was [G]barking with [D]pride
When the [G]offog was in[Bm]stalled, and the [D]audit [A]satis[D]fied


Yes we [G]conjured up an [D]offog, and we [A]got away with [Bm]that
And the [G]technobabble [D]might have fooled at [A]least one bureaucrat
But we're [G]going to get found [D]out one day, so [F#7]better tell H[Bm]Q
That we [Bm]need another [G]offog 'cause the [D]one we've [A]got just [D]blew

Well they [D]sent an urgent message, de[Bm]manded we explain
If [D]this could happen once, it could [G]happen once a[A]gain
We [G]hadn't seen the [D]typo, mis[G]understood the [D]log
Now we [G]have to say what [Bm]happened to our [D]ship's of[A]ficial [Dm]dog


ahahahahaha to my great chagrin i'm the one who has to audit the plant's annual physical inventory, and i never would have guessed it possible to compose a lighthearted song about such an activity but boy did you deliver. (I've seen some pretty strange stuff on the inventory list, but nobody's had to account for an offog, thus far, anyway!)
Cute song/story. I like the harmonica, too.
Funny song with a twist! Great job!
ha ha a good story! a winner in many a bar i reckon. might pay for dinner! very entertaining.
A shaggy dog story indeed! It's a long time since I read the story, but I think it will be obvious to anyone that they're dealing with a typo or cryptic abbreviation. It makes me think of the Soviet film "Lieutenant Kije" (remembered mostly because of Prokofiev's music for it) in which a whole career for a fictional soldier is invented to cover for a bureaucratic error.