They're Eating Her And Then They're Going to Eat Me

by @anthonykapfer

Challenge: Descending Chords

Liner Notes

this is a song i am working on for my spooky garage rock band Bald Whig. this doesn't sound as garage-y as some of our other stuff, but lyrically it is based off of the movie Troll 2, which if you've seen, you know is a bad B horror movie classic.

for the video i edited a couple of clips from troll 2 together.

this also fits with this week’s fawn challenge of descending chords

again, i’m playing the jazzmaster i built. using a Rat distortion pedal into a sansamp. no actual amp on this. for bass i’m playing the same guitar into a Boss OC-5 octave pedal. extra guitar tracks in the choruses are going through the danelectro 3699 fuzz pedal. the drums were played on a midi keyboard. no loops. for vocals i’m using a shure 58.

#alternativerock #garage #indie #punk #garagerock #powerpop #alternative #horror


half man half plant
i order you
with the sacred power
of the magic stone
go back to hell

he was one of us
and then you killed him
now it's your turn
you'll be punished for this

they're eating her
and then they're going
to eat me
oh my god!
nah nah nah

you can't piss on hospitality
oh no i won't allow it
let me give you some advice
get out of here
or you're gonna be in a lot of trouble
just think about the toxins

they're eating her
and then they're going
to eat me
oh my god!
nah nah nah

hunger pains


I love how upbeat it is — infectious rhythms. “Oh my god nah nah nah” is so much fun.
This is probably my favourite song title I've seen from this 50/90. The chorus is a really nice piece of work - love the layers of harmonies, and the chugging stop-startiness of it. The first time I thought it was fine, but by the end it has got totally wedged in my brain. In a good way.
This solo is really nice too - it's got a beautiful nervous energy.
Great ending too - I don't know the intricacies of the genre, but I'm loving what I'm hearing, wherever it's pigeon-holed.
you see the doc about troll 2? i think adam mckay may have made's a treasure.

this is so dead on and the video works perfectly with the track. that chromatic run is so epic going into that rippin solo. as much of this as you wanna put up, i will consume. oh my god nah nah nah. yes yes yes. this is SUPERB. sounds so good. this is better than that cursed wonderful movie i love it, but it doesn't deserve nice things...
OMG… ‘you can’t piss on hospitality’ is one of the great lines! Superb energy and fuzziness, you’re ringing every last drop out of those pedals. Love the garage rock aesthetic, and the video of course (film looks mad!). Awesome track.
That is a great guitar sound and a great riff. And a great chaotic solo! Definitely a song to hear in a club
What an excellent song! Hilarious lyrics, compelling vocals, awesome guitar work; your sound is really terrific! I could listen to a whole album of that.
Absolutely wonderful. The video fits the song perfectly!
This is so fun! The guitar is so hooky, even when you're just grinding out those crunchy chords--and then the lead licks are super tasty. The whole thing really works, makes me feel something. The triplets are a nice touch. Nah nah nah--I can't get it out of my head. Oh my god, good stuff
Lmao! Man this kicks so much ass. The song A+, the video edit A+, all of it A+. I'm a sucker for anything Troll. I've sampled Troll and Troll 2 more than anything else in the world. I even did a song a 5090 or 2 ago called "don't ever piss on hospitality" so p.s. very much appreciated that particular line lol. Absolutely killer song dude
Rocking track, some strong guitar to drive this along, pairs with the vibes given from the video well!
I've not seen the legendary Troll 2, but now I feel like I need to.
Wow, such an awesome tune here, bud.
Love love love your guitar work here.
Awesome bass line.
So excellent.
I don't know the movie, but it looks bad enough to be oddly entertaining. 😄 The cool, dirty garage sound is great. Fun lyrics. The movie made a great video for this. Transported me to 1985 watching MTV.
Love the pulsating “four on the floor” beat. It adds to the intensity of the scene. The “oh my god / na na nas” are a great touch. Hilarious lyrics and super-memorable hooks throughout. Nice work! I just followed y’all on Instagram.
Awesome! Great garage punk/rock sound. Love the chorus, and the almost surf guitar solo! So rockin! So cool! Killer lyrics. Kudos!
I really like that sleazy garage feel. There's a throwaway "we're crazy and dangerous" feel to this that screams cheesy exploitation, even as we listeners are tapping our feet along with the music. And yes, that video montage does a great job setting the mood!