I Don't Like to Say So

by @nancycunning

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#needsmusic #lyricsonly #needscollab #collaborationswelcome

@lbrewington did a Blues version here: https://fiftyninety.fawm.org/songs/299154


The best relationship advice I know is to try not to always take your own side in every argument. Treat yourself and your partner kind of like squabbling siblings. So this is a lyric about standing in that place of challenging your own point of view.

If you find yourself humming or singing or playing along, I'd love to hear it.


I Don't Like to Say So

I don't like to say so, but I think I might'a got it wrong
I don't like to say so, like I been saying all along
I don't like to say so, so I'll put it in a song
Hey, I don't like to say so, Honey, but I think I might'a got it wrong

I jump to conclusions
I jump to tear you down
I get so defensive
I jump to stand my ground

Cause I don't like to say so, but I think I might'a got it wrong
I don't like to say so, like I been saying all along
I don't like to say so, so I'll put it in a song
Hey, I don't like to say so, Honey, but I think I might'a got it wrong

I act like my mother
But you are not my dad
Sometimes you disagree with me
But that don't mean you're bad

But I don't like to say so, but I think I might'a got it wrong
I don't like to say so, like I been saying all along
I don't like to say so, so I'll put it in a song
Hey, I don't like to say so, Honey, but I think I might'a got it wrong

Now I know you don't mean to hurt me
You don't mean to make me pay
And I'd love to learn to listen up
Instead of shouting you down this way

So I don't like to say so, but I think I might'a got it wrong
I don't like to say so, like I been saying all along
I don't like to say so, so I'll put it in a song
Hey, I don't like to say so, Honey, but I think I might'a got it wrong


Fresh perspective! I love how this scans, right from the start. Love how you start with the chorus and it keeps coming back! I want to sing along! 😃
This has a lot of charm in it! The title line has a lot of built in rhythm to it! I think many can relate. You have a cool, playful way with the words in this. It's all good-natured and that makes it appealing! Good writing!
I can definitely relate! Love the contrast of "listen up"/"shouting down" in the last verse especially.
funny Bill commented coz i am sure i have heard him say i dont even agree with myself. good observational lyric.
I took your lyrics and put it to a 12 bar blues pattern. I had to remove the opening line to the chorus and add an extra line for each verse so forgive me for my transgression on that end. Feel free let me know if you can come up with some better lines than the ones I created. I have them marked with a * in the lyrics section.


I feel like this was not what you were intending with the lyrics when you created them but there were a few lines that were just pushing me in that direction. I hope you like enjoy the listen, it was fun for me.
I like the message of trying to see more than one side of a disagreement. Good contrast between the verses and chorus. Hope this gets music!
id like to sig this one. the music goinf through my head echos those ultra romantic songs by guys like jim reeves. for reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qit_HikDGxU
A really interesting and mature introspective confession. When self doubt leading to reassessment and admission is a positive thing. Hope you're doing well my friend. Great to see/read you again. Hopefully there'll be some music from you this summer as well. Hugs.
I love love LOVE this! This is what I strive for with all of my relationships with my family, friends, and partner. Sometimes, when you *really* put yourself in someone else's shoes, you realize... damn, "I might'a got it wrong!" You have such a way with communicating the message to send with such simple lyrics, I particularly like the lines "I act like my mother / But you are not my dad / Sometimes you disagree with me / But that don't mean you're bad" SO good!!