Skyborne (part 4)

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#instrumental #partwork #moonecho #soundscape #tootlestick
The story continues...


Gorgeous. The flute is sublime. Production on this is so, so good; the gentle rumble which builds up could have overwhelmed the mix, but it's kept in just the right place for it to ground the rest of the arrangement perfectly. You've levelled up once again, Paul!
The moon echo was made so that this music could be made. Gorgeous.
I like the kind of Sitar sound weaving in and out. It is dreamy but as elements come in and out, it regains your attention. The tootlestick holds court centre stage. And the reverb of course.....
Your pieces are engaging; they hold my attention. They make me think and really appreciate your creativity. Yeah, I do envy (in a good way) how you're able to switch up genres and you do it quite well. I'm free for spoken word if you're so inclined at some point.
I always marvel at your "soundscapes". This is one of my favorites. Great job! ❤️