Homecoming (A Sad Song About Greasepaint)

by @orinthebard

Homecoming (A Sad Song About Greasepaint)

Liner Notes

Inspired by the #homecoming skirmish altho I did not write this in anywhere near an hour.

Does anyone else feel like you were subtly objectified your entire life and now you don't see yourself except from the 3rd person perspective of what you think other people want? Yeah I'm working on my sense of self đź’–



How do I come back home
To a body I've never been in
All my life spent trancing into
Other people's heads

When I was 16
I felt randomly assigned
To live in a dead girl
And keep her alive

In my homecoming dress
Mad that Dan didn't ask me to dance even tho he had bad breath
But really I'm mad at my mom for reasons I don't understand yet
I wrote a sad poem about greasepaint and posted it on the internet

So they put me in therapy
And the therapist called me a treat
And I felt like a piece of meat
That fell off a sandwich on the street

How do I come back home
To a body that's never been mine
A child who
Learns the soothe the adults instead of crying

I don't want to blame you
My parents who loved me so much
But sometimes I felt
Like the most important part of your lunch

In my fairy dress
Twirling like a feral creature to renaissance music on cassette
Performing for the camcorder cuz nobody’s paying attention
Singing "if you're lonely and you know it clap your hands"

Passive aggressive at age 4
I think I’m rotten somehow at the core

How do I come back home
To a body burning in hell
I thought my face was ugly
Cuz I couldn't see myself

So I started to change it
But my relatives say the wrong name
And I left my wife and entire life
Because I needed someone to blame

For the fact that I gave up all control
Marionette to mirror particles
It’s sick how so unconsciously I give up ground
Until I lose my footing and I fall down

In Ophelia's dress
Frozen by the cold water in the lake of my distress
A boy so thick in greasepaint nobody's paying attention
To the fact that they know him as a role and not as a person

I don't know what's real either
I was raised in the theater
I'm possessed by my audience daily and I don't know what's underneath here
I think I resent you all for reasons I don't understand yet
I'll write a sad song about greasepaint and post it on the internet


So many things that struck me about this song. First it’s so good to hear your voice again. Second how cool that renassaince and write a sad song scan the same way and feel interchangeable. Third - hmmm. this image of performing for the camcorder has this feeling of automatic objectification by all us parents of all our kids - and the idea of all these different selves out on the internet feels like a complicating world we live in. Hmmm. Hmmm. Hmmm. Thinking.
Powerful and poignant song which touches people's hearts đź’•
Love this one and theme here. So many great lines , I especially liked “ How do I come back home
To a body that's never been mine” and then later the same line is echoed with “burning in hell”. Also the re-occurring line about posting it in the internet. A great line to close the song with.
very deep, great word use! killer last verse. so many isssues in here. hard to find your identity let alone be meet others expectations. well delivered as well.