Sleep Alone

by @hmstreetteam

Skirmish: Make the Fragment Whole (... (@robinleaf) Challenge: Descending Chords

Liner Notes

#acoustic #pop
I started with the 4 lines of lyrics in the chorus and a note suggesting that the song should sound like Cher. Add verses and music, and here we are. Cher had a hit with a song called “We All Sleep Alone.” This song is almost the opposite idea, about struggling to regain a sense of self.

I marked the song for the Descending Chords challenge for the chromatic descent in the pre-chorus sequence of D Dmaj7 D7 D6. This chord progression is a neat trick that I would recommend for any guitarist to study and practice.


How can it be
That life is up to me
When I’m the loser in every deal
I’m just trying to keep it real
How can it be

How can you be sure
About my nature
After I lost myself along the way
And I don’t know what I want to say
I don’t know what role I should play
And all my good sense ran away
How can you be sure

Find your own way
At the end of the day
That’s entering the great unknown

Sleep alone
Face my own dreams
Forgive me when I say
I don’t know what that means

How can I decide
What I’m feeling inside
When I’m the victim at every turn
When there’s a lesson I can’t seem to learn
When the fire that still won’t burn
When I’m afraid of the day
Afraid of the night
Afraid of the way
I have to stand up and fight
How can I decide

Find your own light
To last through the night
That’s entering the great unknown

Sleep alone
Face my own dreams
Forgive me when I say
I don’t know what that means

Find your own way
At the end of the day
That’s entering the great unknown

Sleep alone
Face my own dreams
Forgive me when I say
I don’t know what that means


I really like the repetitions of the pre-chorus and the way it switches between 'find your own way" and "find your own light." And the questioning/ skeptical tone of the whole song makes it really interesting.
Nice play with the chords and the descending line in the pre-chorus was a nice change. Catchy hook!
Very insightful, and great lyrics, I love the pre-chorus especially. Great tune.
Fantastic lyrics - I like the vulnerability and insight. I like the chorus a lot. Your delivery is great.
Love these lyrics. I'm not familiar with the Cher song--guess, I'll have to look it up. Very nice job on this song! ❤️
This is catchy! The lyrics "How can you be sure / About my nature / After I lost myself along the way" are really powerful. I really enjoyed the melody on the chorus. Big questions here, great write!
This is a very poetic (and musical) complaint. I can relate to the feeling when standard advice doesn't seem very helpful.
Good sounding tune. I like that guitar and your vocals deliver on the lyrics to Sleep Alone.
Catchy and really enjoyable. I love the chord progression in the pre chorus