Peter, Sew Your Shadow On

by @newukenewyork

Challenge: Get Lost

Liner Notes

“Peter, Sew Your Shadow On” - #fawm 50/90 2024 song 14

For Judson Memorial Church’s “The Q in Question / Queering As an Act of Constant Curiosity” series: song 4/6. Week 4: Queering Our Shadows.

Here’s a new song draft for my fourth week of writing around the current sermon and service series from my friend Rev. Micah Bucey @revmicahb and all the staff and artists at @judsonchurchnyc Judson Memorial Church in Greenwich Village. i found myself disagreeing with a number of interpretations of “shadow” in our post-service zoom discussion group and wanted to cast it into a different light, as it were. Bill mentioned Peter Pan just as I was thinking of the image of Wendy sewing on Peter’s shadow, and I spun off from there.

Note on the idea of “queer,” in the words of Bell Hooks, this is “‘queer' not as being about who you're having sex with (that can be a dimension of it); but 'queer' as being about the self that is at odds with everything around it and that has to invent and create and find a place to speak and to thrive and to live.”

This series so far:

#fuc #acoustic #acousticonetake #ukulele #personwithukulele #onetake #girlwithukulele #singersongwriter #midemfoke #americanasati

p.s. Some of the imagery is related to a Rumi poem that was shared in our service. to see the translation.


In my boat
I’ve no oars or arms
If the pirate comes,
He can do no harm
With hat or hook
Or storybook

If he takes each plank
Every board and bolt
If he strips me down
To a floating soul
I’ll be me
I’ll be free

Peter, sew your shadow on
Wendy, hold the light
All the Lost ones wait
Will you crow again at night?
Will you grow up to be grown up?
Will you say farewell to flight?
Peter, sew your shadow on
There’s going to be a fight

Here’s the crack
Where the dark gets in
Am I soft inside?
Do I float or swim?
What’s the quiet part
Of my clock-tick heart?

If the crocodile
in her lurking way
Sheds a tear for me
I will turn and say,
“All the time,
It’s been mine.”

At dusk in Never-Never Land
The questions come to dance
Just when you think your ending’s written
Here’s another chance
My heart is tender as a stone
Three beats away from breaking
Our wilding shadows wait for us
To join in on the making



This is lovely! I came here for the intriguing title. And I've already listened twice, because of the melody that fits the words so well, and the story they tell.
Just saw your mention of this on someone else's feed, and came here because the title was intriguing. I wasn't disappointed! I like the Cohen reference and how you've flipped it around; for me the symbolism is that becoming an adult is about the cracks where the dark gets in, making us a little more sober and a bit less carefree. Beautiful vocal work, gentle melody. Lovely little piece!
Been meaning to come back to this one, saw the title and read the rather brilliant lyrics awhile back but ran out of listening time in the moment. So glad I did finally make it, it’s really one of your best (that I’ve heard). Firstly, ‘clock-tick heart’ - LOVE that! The last couplet of each verse, with the repeat melody is so cool. And then the lilting, precise melody on those opening chorus lines is similarly great. Brilliant mash up of cultural touch points, creating something new and wonderful.
Your ability with melody, creation and presentation, is amazing. Excellent response to Mr. Cohen: we don't get to choose what the cracks let in.
Okay, I had to click as soon as I saw the title, and this blew away whatever expectations I might have had. Your beautiful vocal is so haunting along with the lilting, slightly angular melody. Wonderfully poetic lyrics, so many great lines, each one is really a treasure. That chorus is spectacular, though, and I also especially love that "here's the craack" stanza.
I am so amazed! This is so beautiful and poetic the melody is haunting and elegant, ideal for a pirate ballad. Sweet and nostalgic, thanks for sharing
You seem incapable of doing a bad song... I ALWAYS enjoy them--not just because of your flawless vocals, but, as I've mentioned before, I really think you have a knack for melody. That's something I constantly struggle with. Great job! ❤️
Beautifully written, played and sung...a formidable hook, voice as clear as a bell and a total treasure of a song!
Peter Pan is a treasure shared by all, a story that touches so many with its imagination and bold insights, But you've taken it in a truly original direction, and delivered it with style and skill. Your vocal slides are evocative. And the lyrics...I particularly like how you realized the 'sew your shadow on' aspect is *key* to the deeper meaning of the tale.
truly haunting melody with excellent vocal execution. j.m. barrie's magic is an endless gift and you are for sure one vessel for it
This is one of the best songs I've heard here so far!
Your singing leaves me speechless! You have such a wonderfully clear and strong voice to play with!

And then this text! Very poetic, somehow sad and strong at the same time!
All the references to Peter Pan touch my heart!

Absolutely great in every way
This is so good. I am having trouble choosing what to highlight, to be honest, because it's all amazing. This sounds like it's FROM an actual Peter Pan adaptation. The phrasing is quirky but melancholy, it has the same exact tone as the story. I find it so fascinating that it has a mostly minor-key feel until the last line of the chorus - the word "fight" goes up instead of down. That's not at all what I expected but it's so well done. Your vocal is wonderfully sad but determined. So many good lines, but "My heart is tender as a stone/three beats away from breaking" is especially awesome. ❤️
Great title, creative lyrics and beautiful vocals!
Wow! I love the melody and the vocal presentation. I'll have to make time to visit more of your songs.
you could write an excellent childrens musical of peter pan. i did one of pinocchio that, like your song here, entertained the children without being condescending. you have the right balance of whimsy and adventure to hold a young audience rapt with anticipation.