Jackdaw Days

by @headfirstonly Mod

Jackdaw Days

Liner Notes

If you count the eight separate timbres I'm playing on the Korg M3, the four layers on each #wavestate Mk 2 performance, and the #juno106 bass, there are twenty-one separate stereo synth layers going on here. Plus my Epihone Electar #lapsteel, 8DIO's epic #taiko drum ensemble, and a #wildtrack of the neighbourhood birds. Given my current infatuation with the Eventide #h90 and the Chase Bliss #mood Mk2 this was always going to be an #ambient track but it went unexpectedly hard in a Tangerine Dream direction. I'll take that.


That was quite the journey. The guitar (lapsteel?) was very tasty indeed. Love the wildtrack.
Ah, I do love me some good sound design. Great job. Yeah--I'm liking the birds, too. I just listened to a song with "real birds" in the background, because the performer was outside while recording her video. Great job, per usual! ❤️
What happened to the birds in the end! Got instrumental Air vibes from this, lapsteel was a nice touch, ace!
Love it! Thus big synths. And so the guitar melody. Wow. I so like the progression here. And still it is calm and beautiful. Thx!
This is simply incredible. Everything has its place and fills out the soundscape so nicely. I like this a lot!
I refuse to count. Our local crows were gathered in the tree next to McDonalds this morning, all looking suitably embarrassed when I called "Hello", so inevitably I was drawn to Jackdaws here. The synths and all that layering make for a onderful watercolour (RICH watercolour) with the wild track on it, and the lapsteel coming in--just wonderful. Downloading this. (my first this 5090. The shift to ?Tangerinedreaming is sharp but not abrupt--dammit I think my mind's doing a Biden with words...this is truly lovely Chris. [EDIT curses, forgot the music stops if you try to add to a comment. Back I go. No hardship]
Really like this, of course ambient but it doesn't entirely wash over you, it keeps you guessing and interested. My dogs favourite part is the jackdaws, he went rushing to the patio doors and then woofed!
So many layers, so much atmosphere! Reverb for days. Lovely field recordings (?). Awesome twinkly noises. Love those big swells. Listening on earbuds, which I feel is a suboptimal way to experience this, but it’s impressive nonetheless…
do you ever sleep! i guess you are very efficient - i think i could do 21layers in a month! worth whatever effort you put in! ambience personified!
Sometimes the bliss just has to boogie! This feels oceanic with the layers and depth. Birds are fun, and the arpeggio bits add a bit of sparkle. Well done!
Gnarly! Do I hear a little Sorcerer "Creation" influence on this piece? Gotta dig Tangerine Dream! How the underplay in your "Jackdaw Days" captures TD sound and morphs into something just as ambiently-powerful and unique is quite ripe for wanting to hear your sound in a movie as a score, too! TD, no doubt, would be proud.
You're cranking them out! This is super peaceful and makes me even more excited for an upcoming vacation. Great use of space.
This is sooo peaceful and calm! oh, wow - then that change in the mood ... as if something beautiful appeared .... many changes, many levels of sound ...really enjoyed listening a lot! Amazing track! ... and above all the birds!