
by @intoyourlight


Liner Notes

With 50/90 in mind, I got motivated to make some music - finally - after months of not being able to write, though I badly wanted to. But something - probably my inner critic and perfectionist, and the voice that I should rather finish my old songs - kept me away. So this song started some days before 4th of July, but as I don't reach for 50 songs, I don't care if it "counts" or not.

My new playmate - the SOMA Cosmos Looper - which you can hear in the end, was actually the beginning of this project. The lyrics, as often for me, came as I sang along with imaginary words and nonsense. I don't know what tumble-dried dreams are, but I liked the image and went along with it. I don't know if I'll stick with the title of the song, right now it feels more like a placeholder.

- SOMA Cosmos
- Nord Grand (Piano, Strings, Synth, Bass)
- Steven Slate Drums

#dreampop #piano #synth #fullproduction #pop


Our dreams are tumble-dried
Ironed, folded
Versions of ourselves
And there's no need to hide
Them under our bed

Got my expectations wired
Around you like
Moon to earth to sun
When moving like the tides
Is all I want

So break me,
Make me feel alive
Oh, touch me
Barely like a cloud

So break me
Make me feel alive
Oh, touch me
Barely with your love


Whoah, very glad your comment led me here (thank you for your kind words!). The piano loop plays very well with that melody and so cool how the song evolves as it goes, suddenly taken in by a whirl! Really like the tone of the lyrics, they say enough but leave room for what's more in there.
I like that ethereal dreamy feel of the music. For me tumble dried dreams evoke a warm fluffy enveloping.
Gorgeous intro, great vocals, production and lyrics, what else could one wish for. Very nice!
I like the notion of clean, orderly, presentable dreams paired with not feeling alive until being broken open. That is some good art. Nicely done.
From the off, this grabs the full attention and yields ever more compelling aspects...stunning!
I agree with @kahlo2013 - the lyrics of that first stanza are brilliant. I'm really stunned by this level of production - way beyond my abilities. 😅 Another gorgeous, moody vocal tune - and all the layering of musical lines supporting it (yet making it feel a little unstable) just drive that yearning feeling further. Great write!
The stanza leading off is brilliant. And the poetry and feeling in the lyrics reaches in. So much desire. I really love the tumble dried dreams image as one dreams about love. The keys and instrumentation work brilliant to move the feelings forward as well capture the dreams of desire… nice musical ending. As always your melody and vocals are gorgeous.
Where can I find more of you your music.? I could listen to this all day. And all night. And the next day and the next night. And then I'm confused with Armand day or night I'm not sure. But man send me some links I am just really impressed.
Beautiful vocal delivery and the instrumentatoon sounds lush.
Really special. Well done. Really, enjoyed much. As I expected to. :)
I wondered what would happen for the last minute after the lyrics ended and it was a captivating time, even though it was only 40 seconds...
Note song ends 3.05 but track length is 3.25...
I love a bit of dream pop and this is very good dream pop! super catchy, fine vocals and a really good holding beat! Class!
Lovely soundscape with catchy lyrics. And the vocal delivery is so dreamy, befitting the song!
Wow. This has some wildly creative imagery to start with, and I can tell you spent a long time on the production. Beautiful vocals as always, and I'm a sucker for bell-like synth. It's complex yet really easy to listen to. I dig this a lot.
I could listen to this on repeat all summer long.
i think tumble-dried is a perfect description of dreams. for me, it means exacrly what it means to a dryer filled with wet clothing. and i love how you veer seamlessly into the erotic in the second half. the piano part tumbles along nicely and your voice is exquisite.
Neat and warm from the distance.
Tumble dried dreams, I like it. Flows beautifully, what a nice song! Your vocals are really enjoyable.