Spilled Milk

by @francesc

Challenge: Idiom

Liner Notes

Another I-am-not-over-my-ex song! (I personally am actually over my ex, but these songs are fun to write, y'know?)

The theme was "Idiom", so I thought of random idioms I could use...
"Don't cry over spilled milk" was fun, because what if... the character in the song wanted to cry anyway?


Came across a photo of you
oh, how time flies
woman in a white silk dress
you in suit and tie

it felt like yesterday
when we were quite a pair
and it feels so bittersweet
seeing you, standing there

I’m crying in my kitchen over spilled milk
over the what-if-it-was-me wearing that white silk dress
oh, I’m a mess, there’s this weight on my chest
I’ll cry it out my system

I take a kitchen rag
and wipe a spill off the counter and
I wonder if she’s neater than me
I just wish you’re happy now

I’m crying in my kitchen over spilled milk
over the what-if-it-was-me wearing that white silk dress
oh, I’m a mess, there’s this weight on my chest
I’ll cry it out my system

I know, I’m crying over spilled milk
this empty glass
hole in my heart is unfilled
I know, I’m crying over spilled milk
I’m glad
you’re so happy and fulfilled

I’m crying in my kitchen over spilled milk
over the what-if-it-was-me wearing that white silk dress
oh, I’m a mess, there’s this weight on my chest
I’ll cry it out my system


Frances - I like this way of recording with you in the corner of the DAW (I wanted your corner to double for the parts where you are singing harmony) The chorus is infectious - the melody line and all those sibillant rhymes.And then I like the details of the scenes Great work.
I could instantly relate to your liner notes -- I love an "I'm not over you" song despite also being over all my exes. :) I like how you've taken what could have been cliche' (spilled milk) and created an unexpected and interesting chorus. Terrific rhythm and rhyme there. Very satisfying!
This is awesome. I really like your straightforward delivery—it highlights the cleverness in the lyrics. “I wonder if she’s neater than me” is a great punch up of the idiom. And there’s a beautiful symmetry between the white silk dress and the (i assume) white spilled milk. Way to make an idiom I don’t really use (or like) into a song I absolutely love!
So lovely! I agree with @omaistarz, that "silk... dress", and then the rhyme with "mess" is really nice! And what a clever take on the idiom!
Sounds good! Greetings from Lipa
Excellent job with that prompt. On a side note, if you had not written in your bio that English is not your native language I would have never guessed!
Nice job. Love the video and the chorus is great
Great chorus! I especially love the suspended "silk" before dress. Very catchy. I wasn't expecting the doubled vocal. That was a nice touch. Well done!