I Don't Want Your Life

by @davidtaro · @nancycunning

Liner Notes

Always a pleasure working with @nancycunning! She sent me a couple of lyrics and this one just hit me immediately. Unexpectedly had a few hours spare to record this afternoon, so kept it nice and simple (there is just ONE guitar, most unlike me). I really love the line 'The harmonies in darkness' and the little detail about the Lazy Boy. Hope you enjoy the #collab!

Nancy: I'd been meaning to write a new lyric for @davidtaro but when I was digging through some old stuff, I kept hearing this one in his voice, so I sent it along. Listening I had that special delight of having reunited a lyric with its rightful owner.
I love looking in lit up windows when I walk around any city, and I especially look at peoples bookshelves. It was fun to imagine a looker-inner and his imaginings of the people inside.

#singersongwriter #guywithguitar #nylonstrings


I envy you your bookshelves
When I look up from the street
The gas log in your fireplace
That steak you're about to eat
I envy you your bank account
Your daughters and your wife
I'd like to live like you do
But I don't want your life

I miss the bedtime stories
All the tucking in at night
The harmonies in darkness
The telling them goodnight
I envy you your family
Your daughters and your wife
I'd like to live like you do
But I don't want your life

Chained to your office
Ensconced in pinstripe suits
The only way to win that big is to lose

So instead of making money
I sit and strum in the park
Got songs to sing to strangers
On this nylon string guitar
I envy you your Lazy Boy
Your daughters and your wife
I'd like to live like you do
But I don't want your life


Fun lyrics and a great delivery. Only one guitar? No way! this is too rich sounding. Love the backup singers too. Well done!
one guitar good heavens! but its a hooky guitar! ooo nice backing! clever lyric love that i don't want your life!
Perfect hook/concept! Makes sense to me. Nancy's lyrics are so insightful and David's treatment of them is both entertaining and convincing. I really like this song! Great collab!
Why does this remind me of “A Wink and A Smile” - lol! Maybe because the name was escaping me last night so it was in my mind today. I could so hear this in a movie or in the theater. You sang the perfect life into the clever @nancycunning lyrics!
Wonderful fingerstyle playing David - and that nylon string guitar has a beautiful sound. I really like the song concept - the cost of having things - so well stated in the bridge - and the narrator envying the things perhaps, but not the life. It is a treat to hear almost an live performance with just the guitar accompaniment - but I would miss all the Davids chiming in and creating those awesome harmonies. Great collab!