I Dream Of You Dancing

by @tcelliott

Challenge: Andalusian Cadence

Liner Notes

#murderballad #murder

It's been a while since I was known for murder ballads... 1st person murder ballads for the win!


I dream of you dancing
I dream of your smile
I dream of you returning
To me for a while

The heartache still lingers
The hurt will go on
Sorrow's forever
Now that you're gone

And I'm tired of living like this
I picture the blade lying right on the wrist

I call out your name
In the midst of the night
The darkness surrounds me
Hides you from my sight

But I hear your moving
Still clinging to life
I listen intently
As I sharpen my knife

And I'm tired of living like this
As I sink the knife straight into your ribs


Great classic murder ballad format, with a cool twist. Your vocal style works for this one.
this challenge has brought some really good songs! Its a song to whirl ya girl to a first! This is really good! and then it ends - a murder ballad