Little Joys Along the Way

by @florian · @musicsongwriter

Liner Notes

Three weeks ago, Nadia wrote her solo piano piece "Find Your Meditation", I immediately fell in love with the instrumental - it's perfect.

My music-wired mind suggested this would also sound great played by an orchestra, so I arranged this. This version sounds more happy than meditative, so I decided for a different title.

You're hearing Vienna Symphonic Libraries' Synchron Prime orchestra and Solo Violin, and Nadia's piano.

'Little Joys Along the Way' © 2024 Nadia Cripps and Florian Hoffmann. Music by Nadia Cripps and Florian Hoffmann. Piano by Nadia Cripps, Orchestral arrangement by Florian Hoffmann. Demo by Florian Hoffmann.
Cover art by Florian Hoffmann, used by his kind permission.


Thank you so much, Florian for your beautifully happy, gorgeous vision for my meditative piano piece. I love your orchestration and the infectious happiness. Great orchestral sounds and melodies running around with joy and excitement.
This is very pretty. It feels light and happy. I do catch a meditative quality in there too. It's delightful. Nice collab!
Nadia does come up with some themes that are really good for orchestration. This is sweet. The woodwinds playing back and forth are delightful.
Great sound and quality. Very soothing, and enjoyable to listen to.
You work well together.