Pawley's Island Hammock

by @nancycunning

Pawley's Island Hammock

Liner Notes

#americana #acousticguitar

For this week's #songsidekicksongcircle @unknownbecky gave the prompt to write from the perspective of an inanimate object. I caught myself thinking that when the second-rate hammock that I've left outside for four years finally rots away, I'll get a Pawleys Island Hammock and take good care of it.

It felt right to only use two chords, so I'll also post this one in the #2chord challenge


We bought it that last summer, we spent two weeks at the beach
We brought it home and we strung it up out between the maple trees

The Pawleys Island Hammock made of good strong cotton rope
The Pawleys Island Hammock, never give up hope
The Pawleys Island Hamock has that good strong cotton rope

We spent two nights together out there looking for the stars
We thought we might have seen a couple, but the lights were probably cars

The Pawleys Island Hammock made of good strong cotton rope
The Pawleys Island Hammock, never give up hope
The Pawleys Island Hamock has that good strong cotton rope

You never told me you were leaving, you never told me why
I told myself I'd make it, said I probably wouldn't need to cry

The Pawleys Island Hammock made of good strong cotton rope
The Pawleys Island Hammock, never give up hope
The Pawleys Island Hamock has that good strong cotton rope

It really should come down each fall, the wooden bar could rot
I know it should come down, but now, that hammock's all I got

The Pawleys Island Hammock made of good strong cotton rope
The Pawleys Island Hammock, never give up hope
The Pawleys Island Hamock has that good strong cotton rope
Oh, the Pawleys Island Hamock has that good strong cotton rope


This drew me in with the small stories in the verses and then the middle verse about the lover leaving changed the tone and the chorus fell into place in a new way. Love these story songs! Also liked the way your voice was in the forefront or center of the music - sounded good!
Really great song. Vivid imagery throughout, and the repetition of Pawleys Island Hamock is perfect. I love the delivery of the "strong cotton rope". The line about the stars and the cars is great. That hammock's all i got is a great top line.
This is SOO good, such a perfect use of the two chords. Such a strong and classic melody you get out of this, and that "Pawleys Island Hammock" refrain is so catchy -- love your vocal on this especially; the way it hits that "Pa" note and then liltingly descends on the rest of the refrain line is so great.
What a great story. Just picturing myself on the hammock looking up at the stars. Just a beautiful thought beautiful image well constructive story will perform.
I feel like… if you’re not taking care of the existing hammock then I’m not sure I entirely trust you with the Pawleys 😉. That aside, this has such a classy, classic feel. Could hear the refrain with a big group vocal, hand claps etc. it’s so catchy, and the repetition works a treat. The specificity of the product name in the title is also very cool, you always draw out the interesting details!
An absolute classic! Your voice here has a sadness that the lyric requires. This is very good!
You made a full story based around that hammock. Awesome! I Love the folky feel of the music beautifully clear vocals. This is really great :)
This feels like a classic folk song that was just discovered. Great writing and wonderful hummable tune.