When You're Feeling Lonely

by @berni1954 · @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: Instructional design (@atornberg) Challenge: Parallel Lines
When You're Feeling Lonely
berni1954 +1

Liner Notes

A collaboration with Nadia Cripps ( @musicsongwriter )
based on a Bluesy Keyboard track she submitted for the "Instructional Design" skirmish: https://fiftyninety.fawm.org/songs/301977 The lyrics are based on instructions to someone feeling down as to how they might break out of it.

NOTE: I wouldn't suggest this to someone with genuine depression 🙄

When You're Feeling Lonely © 2024 Nadia Cripps and Berni Armstrong, Music, keyboard by Nadia Cripps. Lyrics, vocal music and vocals by Berni Armstrong. Demo by Nadia Cripps and Berni Armstrong.


When you're feeling lonely
When you're feeling blue
When you're feeling down
And you don't know what to do
Have yourself a shower
Put on those new clothes
Look yourself in the mirror
And strike a happy pose

Troubles seldom come singlehanded
Troubles always seem to arrive in pairs
Troubles take the light out of living
Leave you smothered in your worldly cares
But if you can teach yourself to forget them
For maybe just an hour or even two
You can banish those worrying troubles far away
Though I know that it's so hard to do
I know that it's so hard to do

Fake a smile at the beginning
Give your shoulders a shrug
That smile will become permanent
When your resources you've dug
Call up one of your friends
Arrange for you to meet
Talk about anything but your troubles
In that bar on Bleaker Street

When you're feeling lonely
When you're feeling blue
When you're feeling down
And you don't know what to do
Put some comedy on the T.V.
A laugh blows the blues away
You'll see that pretty soon
You can face another day
Pretty soon you'll face another day
A week, a month, a year or a lifetime!


Nice observation on troubles. The blues are alive and well! Nice collab.
ooh, i think this is the first bluesy track I've heard either of you guys do. you nailed it. the double-meaning on Bleaker (Bleeker) St. is genius!
What a positive song! The music and lyrics go so well together. I like how the music comes in, in the beginning and dances around. You've created a playful song here. There's some fun advice in this that would cheer anyone up! Good, spirited vocal! Great finish! Well done!
Nice, bluesy track. Great singing to balance the keyboard, and keep it in sync. Liking the lyric too, not so sad, it has a positive spin. Made me smile today while listening.
Brilliant instructions to people feeling down. I agree about genuine depression. Very cool singing. I'd like a copy please to post on Bandcamp please, it would be good to share something positive ;) Would you have Wav, Berni? Thank you for your wonderful collaboration. It put a smile on my face )