When You Dig Yourself a Hole

by @nancycunning

When You Dig Yourself a Hole

Liner Notes

I wrote this one for a #songsidekicksongcircle a few weeks back. The prompt was Saying No, and I think I also had the previous week's "Sparse Lyrics" prompt in my brain too. This one came out of a conversation with my son about that urge to act like everything is okay. For me it ended up touching a lot of the tenderness of learning to parent adult people.

#acoustic #americana #parenting #beinghuman


When You Dig Yourself a Hole
September 5, 2024

When you dig yourself a hole, sometimes, sometimes you dig so deep
You dig yourself a hole, to where it gets, it gets so hard to sleep
Cause you dig yourself a hole to where it's deep
It always gets so deep

So you dig yourself a hole, only now your hole is getting wide
So you dig yourself a hole, cause all you can think is you need to hide
So you dig yourself a hole to where it's wide
It always gets so wide

Once you dig yourself a hole, you get too far to get back out
So you dig yourself a hole, when you know what you need to do is shout

I'll come running with a ladder
I can bring you a length of rope
I can bake you a tray of cupcakes
You can borrow a cup of hope
Don't give up hope

Once you're safe we can fill it all back up
We'll plant turnips and a cabbage rose
Or else we'd decide it's finally time, we can uncoil that garden hose
What would you say to a swimming pool
You always wanted one of those

When you dig yourself a hole, and you can't imagine how you could climb free
When you dig yourself a hole, I hope you'll always, always shout for me

Cause when I dig myself a hole, sometimes, sometimes it gets so deep


These are creative lyrics! Took me a moment to see that the plants and the pool were ideas for how to fill the hole in, and I like it when lyrics surprise me like that. Love the supportive, encouraging nature of the lyrics too and the gradual increase in speed at the beginning 😊
Really like the line "So you dig yourself a hole, when you know what you need to do is shout", feel like it's the top line or the secret revealed of the song. Like the placement of cabbage rose too, it sounded really nice in that place. Was not expecting the outro with the layered vocals, very trippy and fits the theme well with an echoy vibe, could see that being worked in multiple ways throughout. Love the whole concept of the digging the hole and all the imagery surrounding that.
Amazing lyrics, and the chord progression, strumming and your tender, wise vocals are exactly right for the song. Love this one!
This might possibly be your very best. It's that good!
This is beautiful and emotional! Your performance is very compelling. I like how it changes from more lonesome to hopeful. Finding a way to live with the hole, making it into something that grows in a good way! I love the harmonies, they're so beautiful. Really lovely work!
You could be singing to me! Universally relatable. Great lyrics and wonderful vocals and guitar delivery.
Oh, yeah. I'll take that tray of cupcakes and cup of hope, please. I love the tempo changes, that slight acceleration that's saying help is on the way. The harmony vocals are so perfect, disparate and loose. And then you slow it down at the end with the pensive line about 'I do the same thing.' Wonderful.