Unladen, Empty

by @headfirstonly Mod

Unladen, Empty

Liner Notes

Back to the #prog because it's my comfort zone, and kidney stones and gall stones mean that I'm desperately short of comfort at the moment. I've not been coping very well and this is reflected in the lyrics I've been writing...

The guitars used were an Epiphone Electar lap steel and my trusty Squier Strat; soft synths are NI's Ashlight and Rise & Hit, Arturia's CZ V and Augmented Voices; hardware synths were the Korg M3, Wavestate Mk 2 and Opsix; bass was my Fender Jazz and the #warrguitar; and the drums are Superior Drummer 3. Vocals were all recorded with a Shure SM7B, as usual. I'm very much a creature of habit.


I'm all over the place
Hanging loose but so uptight
Desperately seeking some grace
Stuck in full-on fight or flight

I've never been less sure of myself
Never been more full of doubt
I'm one part troll, and one part elf
Both are personas I could do without

Don't have a manifest
Can't report my state
Unladen, empty
or maximum take-off weight?

Where am I supposed to be?
Did I just fail my preflight check?
Getting silence from ATC
I've no control of this emotional wreck

Been seeking peace without success
And my head is in the clouds
I'd love to find true happiness
But what happens if it's not allowed?


Solid song that paints a picture. I like the lead guitar a lot. Sparse and flying so well. Drums are also real nice and sonis everything. Sorry to hear about the muse of the song, hope you feel better.
A great sense of tension with this song. Wonderful production. Lovely guitar playing and some cool keyboards/synths. And i really dig the line "one part troll, and one part elf"... Nice.
I like the sound and feel of this. Underlying layers of tension swathed in Gilmourian Floyd elements. Cool.
Whoa, the tension is so palpable. Great drama - sorry it's kinda real, but - ... Nice rises and falls, and switcheroos, and imagery, slow and strong, but with that continuing mystery, unresolved, appropriately. Love the recognition of troll and elf, your two hangers-on. Maybe the next song you'll get in the air and waggle your wings and shed them!
lyrics are brilliant and communicate a state of unrest that is hard to define. the music is aptly off kilter, with a killer bass part that holds it all together. the arrangement as a whole gives the listener plenty to dive into.