Hurt Her That Way

by @jeff9 · @yewnorker

Liner Notes

#countryfolk #bouzouki #bittersweet
A return to my much less jaunty type stuff--maybe even a tear jerker. The talented lyricist #yewnorker is a colleague from the Muse Songwriters forum who usually hosts our monthly song contests there, so he doesn't often get to enter himself, although we did take first place one month on something amazing he wrote for this year's FAWM. So, I always keep a lookout for when he posts something I fall in love with like this one. Per usual, I did most of the instrumental backing with Band In A Box.


Hurt Her That Way / Strange To Be Grateful
Lyrics by Yewnorker
Music by Jeff Walker

I stuck close to Grandpa when my grandma died
I think it helped to have me by his side
He said I hope someday you'll have what we did
Old love is so different than when you're a kid

When I would change jobs she would load up the Ford
We had the same goals we were aiming toward
We buried our parents but then came the joy
Of seeing our daughter welcome home a new boy

Toward the end I would pray God let her go first
It sounds like a strange thing to say
Living without me was the thing she feared worst
I didn't want to hurt her that way

Now you and your Becky seem to have what it takes
You gotta good girl that's your lucky break
You'll get through the laughter can you get through the sorrows?
The rest of your life is a lot of tomorrows

Toward the end I would pray God let her go first
It sounds like a strange thing to say
Living without me was the thing she feared worst
I didn't want to hurt her that way

And though I'm still crying I'm a happy man
The Lord took her first that was part of his plan
The death of a spouse is such pure agony
But God spared her the pain of burying me
It's strange to be grateful but I truly am

Toward the end I would pray God let her go first
It sounds like a strange thing to say
Living without me was the thing she feared worst
I didn't want to hurt her that way

I didn't want to hurt her that way


it is a strange thing to day, but jeff says it with a sincerity that brings out the truth of the satement, yewnorker has written a lyric that is as controversil as it is tender, and the sad fact behind it is that either way you look at it, one wants to spare the suffering of the other. because of our ae differences, mmy wife always assumed i would go first, and she grew to resent me for it. but when the opposite happened, a thing totally against the natural order of things, she was spared something that would have devestated her as uch as her death has devestated me. grat song in its bravery to confront an unpleasant truth.
A very unique and poignant lyric from @yewnorker and the treatment by @jeff9 is so empathetic to those words with a vocal that touches the heart so deeply...
You did a beautiful job with this one Jeff. Thank you so much.
Didn’t know my grandparents on my dad’s side (or my dad growing up), and didn’t really know my grandpa on my mother’s side (he died when I was a kid), so I can’t relate to that part, but what I do relate to (and that’s the point), is I do hope I go first. “I didn’t want to hurt her that way” is brilliant and just what he would say. And when do we ever hear that?! Nice interpretation of a clever lyric @jeff9
Sweet and emotional. Good job. 👍
This makes me so emotional! I have missing mine lately. This is great story, and so well performed! I love it!
I've found myself writing several "Grandpa-themed" songs of late--probably because I so love being a Grandpa myself! Best thing ever, right? Great job on this one, guys--radio-ready!! ❤️