You Stay In The Kitchen

by @headfirstonly Mod

Challenge: Response Song
You Stay In The Kitchen

Liner Notes

More #funk. This one is a response challenge song that is written as a reply to—of all things—"If You Can't Stand The Heat", a song by that most cheesy of 80s pop groups, Buck's Fizz.

My muse has finally decided to put the hours in, it seems: the lyrics to this one popped into my head at 2 am this morning. This is why I keep a pen and notebook by my bed, folks.


Modern life's a game and we all know how it's played:
When it gives you lemons, you make lemonade
If life starts throwing eggs as well, don't sit there and sigh
Fire up the oven and bake lemon meringue pie

Don't sit and stew for another hour
Don't get ranty and rave-y
Heat up that juice with a bit of flour
And make yourself some gravy

You gotta stand the heat
And deal with the friction
If you want to keep cookin'
You stay in the kitchen

You need to keep all of your plates spinning faster and faster
When you know that to walk away is a recipe for disaster

Just one thing separates the chefs from fools:
If you want to cook well, you need good tools
But if you don't have a kitchen, here's what you do:
Just start a fire, and have a barbecue


ha ha love the last 2 lines of the verse verse Nice bit of funk - bucks fizz oh my goodness. I hope you have "made your mind up" groannnnnn
I love the lyrics! The rhythm is definitely funk but it has a fun difference. Almost like the funk was turned inside out. Great effect for an answer song.
Sounds like funk as done by the Residents or Snakefinger -- arty as well as funky. Great bass lines and really cool glassy guitar sound. Clever and funny lyrics and killer ending!
Cookbook committed by zong?! Great inspirational quirky song and delivery
Love especially the tinkly mix behind the 'Don't sit and stew' stanza. And writing lyrics at 2am ... what a treat. And good advice - keep frickin' going.
Great funk style. Though now I just want to eat BBQ lol
"You Stay In The Kitchen". Kind of what US politics is all about these days... ;-)

Another winner--perfect arrangements every single time! ❤️
Groovy. There’s something very retro-future meets Niles Rogers’ era Bowie for me here. I dig it. The lyrics have a Bowie-esque quality mixed with some Andy Partridge flavorings. Kudos.
I first read the lyrics: superb! Especially „ You gotta stand the heat
And deal with the friction
If you want to keep cookin'
You stay in the kitchen“ got so much funky rhythm.
Now i got to listen!
Love this bass! It‘s so funky!
Enjoyed this very much!