Old Cards Required

by @musicsongwriter

Liner Notes

Yesterday's skirmish prompt was "Required". I thought about the situations when I feel sad, I find the old cards written with warmth, and they help me feel better. So, my music is about the old cards which help heal. In my photo you'll see the cards I received some years ago. To be honest, I composed a different piece and I was about to submit it, but I decided I didn't like it, so started from the very beginning, and it took me a while, so I can't now claim it as a skirmish submission, but skirmish prompt was behind my inspiration. Thank you for the interesting prompt. I also though that it was loosely connected to the challenge of writing a letter, well, in this case cards :) If anyone feels like this could be a base of a story telling/lyrics/vocals/other instruments, and happy to collaborate, please kindly let me know. Thank you for listening and for sharing your thoughts with me. I always find it fascinating to read where my music takes you to :)

#instrumental #required #collaborationswelcome #cards

'Old Cards Required' © 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Keyboard, Demo and Photo by Nadia Cripps.


As Chris said, the mood really shifts from dark to sun shining brightly through, as though the old cards have brought with them a renewed hope and joy in life.
I really wasn't expecting such a mellow, Boards of Canada / Angelo Badalamenti feel to this one! I really like the mood that this sets; it starts off feeling so dark but then lifts at 1:00 so beautifully it's like the sun coming out. I REALLY like this.