
by @berni1954

Skirmish: Required (@atornberg)

Liner Notes


What the Spanish call "convivencia" (living together) is difficult at the best of times, but as you get older it gets harder, rather than easier, and a relationship that was as near perfect as you can get can deteriorate into "the petty wars that shell shock love away" as Joni put it, if attitudes harden with age.

This song is just me getting things off my chest in song. I hope it never reaches the point where I feel the alternative of a lonely old age is preferable!

Instrument: Baton Rouge 8 Strin8 Baritone Ukulele

#fuc #baritoneukulele


INTRO: (D) (G) (D) (A) (D)
(D) I’m required to lower the (G) toilet (D) seat
Obliged to use the dish(A)washer
Even (D) though I don’t think the (G) former hy(D)gienic
And the latter’s a (A) waste of (D) water
Yet when (Bm) I insist she shouldn’t charge
Her (D) I-Phone on up(A)holstery
De(D)spite the dangers (G) I out(D)line
She ignores my ad(A)vice, (D) totally!

Shouldn’t (Bm) rules at home work both ways?
Res(D)pect should surely be (A) mutual
Me o(D)beying hers and her ig(G)noring (D) mine
Is sadly (A) not un(D)usual

(D) I’ve explained the physics of (G) a heat (D) sink
But she charges her phone on the (A) couch
My (D) lectures simply (G) get ig(D)nored
She dismisses me (A) as a (D) grouch
Will it (Bm) take our home burning down
For the (D) lesson to be (A) learned?
Will I (D) have to say I (G) told you (D) so?
And will that crit(A)ique be (D) spurned?


(F#m) Every day it seems another rule
Gets (Bm) added to the list
The (F#m) urge to go gets stronger
How (Em) long can I re(A)sist?
Every (G) ruling's not in my favour
Every (D) idea of mine dismissed
Every (A) day that passes adds to the time
Since the (G) moment (A) we last (D) kissed

(D) Everything I do she’ll (G) criti(D)cise
If it’s not done exactly her (A) way
Even (D) if I think my (G) way is (D) best
That is something I (A) dare not (D) say
The (Bm) little things are becoming huge
The (D) older that we (A) get
But I (D) love her so I’ll (G) stick a(D)round
For at least a (A) little while (D) yet



this tune is so lighthearted and in good humour and at the same time, the lack of reciprocity between the two characters in respecting one another's rules is really sticking with me. that's so unfair!!! :b
Yes very relatable, almost death by a thousand cuts! Nicely said and done in a nice flowing feel
Great one @berni1954 Very relatable too! I have had the same thought, but negotiation is often just a way of life :)
this is the fun skippity hop version of the domestic dilemma as it expands over time. I like the wasy your playful aproaches transcend the bitterness of reality,
This is fun. I love the sound of that uke, and the way you make it sound so percussive. The tune is jaunty but has an edge of melancholy, especially with the bridge
I get the aggravation underneath the happy ukulele sounds. I like the way you tell the story here. The last line of the bridge really works.
ha ha - these one sided rants always make me want to hear the other side
@cindyrella @lyricslinger @andygetch @freshspotlessyouth @kahlo2013

Just a note to let you know that I have put up a DEMO of my "Required" song you kindly commented on last night.
I love the tension you build here over different perspectives… it would be fun to hear the story from the other person’s point of view. I have to read about heat sinks…
In some ways I found this sort of darkly funny. These are the gripes we all have in a "hell is other people" sort of way. I especially like the idea that you might have explained the physics of a heat sink. The last line about sticking around...for at least a little...made me smile
The beauty is in the transition from a a toilet seat lid to a heat sink from phone charging on upholstery. Looking forward to the music!
You're a brave man! 😀
Good lyric and I think will resonate with a lot of couples. Mind you, at least my wife is with you on the don't charge phones on upholstery point - something that is completely lost on my sons though ...
I'm sorry it doesn't sound mutual. That makes it hard. (Although I do want the toilet seat down due to falling in too many times :)). I feel like my husband and i pretty much seldom have this issue. Great take on the skirmish!