Hard Whiskey's Too Easy For Me

by @jeff9 · @mctown · @vaughan

Liner Notes

#country #altcountry #biab
The dynamic duo of McTown & Vaughan sometimes have a way of telling some serious truths about whiskey in their lyrics. I've learned some hard lessons about it myself, so when I come up with music for ones like this, I do my best to let some of that come through. As usual, I leaned pretty hard on BIAB for most of the instrumentation once I came up with the melody and arrangement idea. Vocal and production are me, warts and all.


Hard Whiskey's Too Easy For Me
Lyrics - Graham/Daniel
Music - Jeff Walker

Maybe it was that whirlwind of a girl
Who broke me and threw me a curve
She didn't like being in my small world
And I tried to hide how much it hurt

Hard Whiskey's too easy for me
A bottle at hand's a bottle too much
I lose touch with reality
Forget the lessons of both life and love
When escape is all that I need
Hard whiskeys too easy for me

My broken heart was healed by good 'ol Jack
That's all it took was the liquid fire
I don't know much but I know that
It made me stop searching for my hearts' desire

repeat chorus:

Now I know hurt is the healer.
The bottle is the stealer
It Don't get much realer than that

repeat chorus:


The type of country music I love to hear. Great story with great a great hook line. Jeff you have done justice to these lyrics. a great collab!
What a damn fine country song far better than most of the current crop...loved it and congrats to @jeff9 @mctown @vaughan for putting this stunner together!
For me, the combo of Jeff’s musical sensibilities and McTown/Vaughan lyrics is one of the most natural and brilliant pairings on the site. This is another great example. That alliterative run of ‘healer/stealer/realer’ in the bridge is glorious, and the way Jeff’s singing the hook… well, you can’t imagine it done another way. Well done all.
Take some Mctown and Vaughan lyrics, throw in some Jeff-generated music and his inimitably authentic vocals--toss in some Tennessee whiskey--and you've got a guaranteed hit! Great job, guys! ❤️
McTown & Vaughan do a subtle job of laying out the pluses and minuses of killing the pain with alcohol. The bridge says it all. If you cant take the pain, you wont get the gain. You have to suffer to get to the next phase. The BIAB is a little busy and pushes the rhythm. I like it better when your voice dominates the production, becaue that is what draws me into the song and brings out the truth of the lyric.
Oh, yeah, @paul_pedersen and @coolparadiso - Instead of "3 chords and the truth" - it's "3 chords and the 3 amigos." Classic country gone gold!
Never really any doubt the amigos would have a winner! And here it is . Classic country song that would be in good company with any of the known classics, both lyrically and in delivery.
Your voice and the genre are perfect for these fabulous lyrics. The chorus is a beauty but I also love the instrumentation around the bridge section.

Made me think of both of my grandfathers but for different reasons. My paternal father unfortunately was too fond of the whiskey and became addicted. My whiskey memory from my maternal grandfather is more fun though. He was quite a rich man but very tight with money. One of his few extravagances was expensive bottles of whiskey. My grandmother had a friend who she would sometimes invite round who was a religious old rural Irish lady. She was tee total apart from the occasional one, two (or maybe three) glasses of whiskey which she explained were 'for medicinal purposes'. My grandad often got very cross when this lady was accepting glasses of his whisky and used to try to hide the whiskey behind other bottles before her visits! Thinking about it, 'For Medicinal Purposes' might make for a great whiskey-related song title!
Great job, Vaughan and Jeff. Thanks...
How many people does it take to write the perfect country song? Seems like the answer is three. Good story, good verbal rhythm, good music and good performance. Can't lose with a combination like than. Add a little whiskey and it comes out sweet.