When Christmas Comes

by @musicsongwriter

Liner Notes

I couldn't resist the challenge posted by @helenseviltwin: https://fiftyninety.fawm.org/forums/2730
Some years ago Christmas times was connected with magic, warmth, beautiful decorations and happy smiles. Since then, many dear to me people left this world and Christmas is not the same for me, like I expect for many people these days. Remembering the happy times and people who never left our hearts. My father-in-law was as excited as a child every Christmas and the house he had with his wife, my mother-in-law, was always beautifully decorated. My late husband Tony created a very beautiful Christmas grotto in our dining room, every room was decorated, we had a Christmas tree with decorations every year, and lot's of Christmas crackers. Food was carefully planned with turkey or goose, roast potatoes, different vegies, pigs in blankets and my husband home made onion sauce and gravy. We cooked together, decorated together, enjoyed the 12 days of Christmas with Christmas calendar chocolate filled doors for our children. My parents, my brother and his family, Tony's brother, sister and their families coming to us or us coming to them, or calling and wishing happy Christmas. Happy days to treasure and to remember with gratitude and love...

Thank you for listening and commenting. My music is open to collaborations. Please let me know if you are interested. Music can lead to a story/lyric/vocals/other instruments. The story could be about Christmas/Winter time/Happy Times We Had/Happy Times to Treasure, etc.

#christmas #instrumental #unseasonal #collaborationswelcome

'When Christmas Comes' © 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Keyboard, Demo and Photo by Nadia Cripps.


I like the answering themes. It gives a nice movement like a friendly conversation. Nice synthesizer sounds as well; they sparkle like tinsel.
This has a lovely nostalgic warm vibe. I can imagine a film scene with a happy family gathered to eat Christmas dinner together.