Losing Your Beautiful Face

by @jeff9 · @essahumans

Liner Notes

#uplifting #inspirational #countryfolk
Essa must surely be the sweetest, most generous hearted fellow in the whole kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He writes lyrics that are unfailingly positive and optimistic about humanity and I was pleased to be asked to step in and find some music for this one.


Losing Your Beautiful Face
Lyrics - Essa Ahmed
Music - Jeff Walker

How beautiful,
Your heart

How magical,
The path you chose to walk, 

Telling us all,
How wonderful this life could be
How different it might be

How inspiring,
Your words

How noble,
Your deeds and great work

Telling us all,
How we can build our own place
Build our very own place

Let them say
You lost your beautiful face
My dear lady

Let them say
You lost what keeps your charm
Long ago
But they can never deny…
You built a fruitful farm…
And made it grow

How generous
Your hands

So gracious
How you help your fellow man

Showing us all,
How the light can breach the dark
The light will fill the dark

Some hearts have a rusty lock
You opened up a few of these
Like rain can even soften rock
Grace and love are the only keys

Short instrumental

Let them say
You lost your beautiful face
My dear lady

Let them say
You lost what keeps your charm
Long ago

But they can never deny
You built a fruitful farm 

And made it grow


I am speechless, you never cease to amaze, Jeff, so beautiful
I hope i can be worthy of your generous compliment, So grateful for kind words

Keep flying our star, keep spreading the kind words, as they are immortals :)
i love the way jeff handles a chorus. they lift the song to a higher place, which is the function of a chorus but not many people understand how that works nor how to work it. the gentle sensitivity of the vocals is matched by the delicate lyrics from Essa, which do the job he describes in the song, of softening the rocks with rain.
Beautiful lyrics, Knopfler-esque guitars, and rich vocals like a great dark roast coffee all coming together in a classic love song. Absolutely top-notch work, chaps.
My favorite of yours, Jeff. Wasn't familiar with Essa before--but I am SO impressed with these lyrics. Great, great song, you two! ❤️❤️
Love the arrangement. The vocals are very soothing nice lyrics too