Are You For Real?

by @nancycunning

Are You For Real?

Liner Notes

#acoustic #guitar

I'd been thinking about writing a song for this week's #songsidekicksongcircle prompt = Sparse Lyrics. Then I watched a video by the School of Life called Why Are We So Easily Triggered?

And imagined one of those endless fights that couples fall into. I wondered if maybe it should be a round, but instead ended up adding a last verse where the singer gets that little glimmer of psychic distance that can sometimes be enough to get curious.


Are You For Real?

Part A
I don't like how you look through me
I don't like how you make me feel
I don't like how you look through me
Are you for real?

I don't like how you're talking to me
I don't like how you make me feel
I don't like how you talk to me
Are you for real?

I don't like how you ignore me
I don't like how you make me feel
I don't like how you ignore me
Are you for real?

Part B
You say you don't like how I look through you
And you don't like how I make you feel
You don't like how I look through you
Are you for real?

Now you don't like how I'm talking to you
You don't like how I make you feel
You don't like how I talk to you
Are you for real?

You don't like how I ignore you
You don't like how I make you feel
You say you don't like how I ignore you
Are you for real?

Part C
Cause I don't like how I get triggered
I don't like how you're overwhelmed
I don't like how we get flooded
Are you for real?


You have such incredible talents, Nancy. You can convey so much with your voice alone. As a songwriter, you write some great lyrics, like this one. And though you could carry a tune acapella, your guitar playing adds just enough to fill out a tune, and then some! You don't need a band! Seriously, I would buy one of your albums any day.
Really nice A/B (and C) study of the psychology of fragile & insecure interactions. Really clever, telling, and well crafted. The hooks, the jauntiness, belie the wisdom that resonates from this. Really enjoyed.
Thank you my friend for visiting one of mine and leaving kind words. I hope you're having a marvelous Summer. Hugs. :)
Even the title hits home. I could totally see a look of "really?!?" on an offended face. (For whatever reason it reminded me of an old song idea that would be a great FAWM song - thanks very much, though perhaps it wasn't your intention =)
I also enjoyed the progression of the sparse lyrics, from one perspective to another and finally to what might be a glimpse of curiosity/hope at the end. That's a great ending.
love the expressiveness of your delivery on this one, and the insistence of i dont like... nice dynamic flow, i like the through gritted teeth feel of it. nice shape lyric wise. YAY :)
Excellent steady strum and rhythmic pace of your melody. The strength of your strum and voice portray the anger and frustration in your lyric. I can relate - as a partner in a long-term marriage there have been ups and downs, thankfully many more ups. But right now we are going through a situation with an adult child that is temporarily living with us and your lyric spoke volumes in helping me focus on the good just for today.
Great job on the sparse lyrics. Getting some rock vibes, with the chord progression and the hook on the "Are you for real", or maybe I'm just a kid of the 90s, regardless nice. I liked how you switched the perspective up, which did work on the sparse lyrics but is just a nice addition.
This lyric reminds me of marriages that I observed while I was growing up. Solid melody and I like how the tempo slows in the end.
is this what is determined a co-dependency relationship? your guitar strumming is string and even, and your singing a joy to listen to. interesting final verse, with the music beginning to drop away and leaving the couple alone to face their qustions.
This is really good. The theme is really universal. We all feel this way sometimes. That's why relationships take so much work. Really like the change up for the C section. Makes it very impactful.
Love the insight and vulnerability that comes out in part C. Great parallel structure for A and B. The repetition works well to drive home the point of the song. Wonderful expressive delivery!